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name Temi
species fairy
sex female
height varies
hair colour red
eye colour green
wings dragonfly
other characteristics wears clothes, which is rare among fairies

A kind, wise and motherly fairy, Temi is about average when it comes to hunting and other fairy abilities. She is primarily focused on healing and is seen as a nurse by the rest of her tribe. She possess a broad knowledge of medical herbs, cures, and potions. Temi is very wise and more serious than the average fairy, which has made her very well respected and looked up to among her peers. Because of her wisdom and maturity she naturally became the leader of the tribe.

Temi originally found the young Crisis bleeding to death after being attacked by a tonorion. After healing Crisis's wounds she took her into her fairy tribe where she took great care of the young naga. Seeing that Crisis could not fly or use magic to hunt or defend herself like normal fairies, Temi often worried about her well being, sometimes treating her as if she was a defenseless baby. However, when the zone was being overrun by insect hordes which were almost immune to fairy magic, Crisis was able to successfully defend the fairy tribe from the insects because she did not depend on fairy magic to fight. Fleeing the insects the tribe moved west, to Nemyra kingdom. Being a naga, Crisis was forced to part ways with them at this point. But Temi didn't worry: Crisis had proved she was ready to live on her own and face the dangers of Felarya.

Temi doesn't eat humans very often and has a calm and composed temper. However, if the security and safety of her tribe is threatened she will turn into a fearless and fierce opponent.


The wise fairy Temi acting... a lot less wise than usual ^^

Characters of Felarya
Dridders: Artemia | Ciel | Nikita
Dryads: Cypress | Drayla
Elementals: Déméchrelle | Endymion | Goro | King Trazix
Elves: Fulmina | Kahla | Tinatalan | Tarynn | Lord Teraph
Fairies: Alvar | Aya | Kiki | Leppy | Lily | Lucilya | Melany | Subeta | Temi
Giantesses: Elle | Jade | Jora | Milly
Harpies: Belletia | Plum
Humans: Gunther | Grip | Isham | Manda Kugi | Léa | Marken | Mezzus | Rev | Pal Sebrit | Seliky | Ramtov Telekline | Talbeln Veridimus | Lady Lesona | Lord Gramon | Lord Amithep | Lady Seluvine | Lord Trebiz | Lord Thelandros | Lord Mistrago
Mermaids: Anko | Calimn | Mina
Nagas: Ajab | Aniya | Anna | Aurora | Crisis | Fiona | Garnet | Jissy | Kai | Katrika | Malika | Masumi | Monty | Namesta | Rin | Terra | Vivian
Nekos: Enishi | Shillou | Sonya | Thas Voidfingers | Caylin
Slug Girls: Marsha | Velvet
Succubi: Alice | Arale | Zycra | Chalyssea | Ashmet | Meralimexia | Iridan | Menyssan
Sphinxes: Hiral
Other: Fenja | Markie | Nix | Swiftlit | Q'Tada'x'silath | Tanya | Zil | Xarmaroch