Plant life2

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Felarya possess a wide variety of plants from many different worlds. Seasoned adventurers know that being able to tell the difference between the dangerous ones and the useful ones is vital knowledge to have before venturing in to the jungles of Felarya. Because the original page reached it's maximum size, it was split into tow pages; here is a link to the first one: Plant life. See also carnivorous plants.

Dripping Tree

The Dripping Tree is a small, largely unremarkable tree which can be found in various forests around Felarya, but mostly in Chidokai forest where it sometimes grows on other, larger, trees. It produces a thin, transparent, and very sticky sap, which drips from its branches and congeals at the bottom of the tree, covering the area around the tree with an almost invisible, scentless film. The sap has a consistency comparable to a Slug Girls's slime, and it can trap small creatures, up to the size of humans. However, if one could get past the sticky area, the fruit of the tree can be harvested. Its "fruit" is a nut known as the Soulnut which is apparently virtually uncrackable, and therefore the delicious innards are both highly sought and highly prized, and yet an uncracked Soul Walnut is considered all but worthless. Slug girls find the sticky sap absolutely delicious, and humans coated in it are considered a sweet delicacy to them.

Rain Willow

A deciduous tree with a dark brown trunk, long branches drooping much like a normal weeping willow, and dark green leaves. It grows either in very watery or very dry places, and can grow to a gigantic size. Its roots are very long as well and can reach incredibly far underground, allowing the tree to get moisture even in an arid environment. Rain Willows growing in dry places remain normal most of the time, but unseen are their large roots which store the water they drained from the ground, slowly growing thicker and thicker. Once the roots have reached their limit, the water stored within them is carried up into the trunk and then into the branches, where it falls as rain from the leaves. This makes the Rain Willow a haven for creatures living in arid places and these trees are treasured and protected. The process is almost the same for Rain Willows growing in very moist areas, but instead of only raining every once in a while, they will rain for days or weeks, sometimes even months, at a time, depending on the amount of water nearby. The water that travels through the tree is also mixed with the tree's sap, making it very sweet to the taste and giving it powerful healing properties.

Rain willow belongs to Melancholy-Melody13. This idea have been submitted before the November 15th, 2009 and their author didn't approve the disclaimer. Thus you must ask their permission before any use.

Battal Oak

Not everybody uses Xythium or Ascarlin to create powerful magical weapons. For weapons that need to be made of wood, the best around is the mighty Battal Oak. With fully mature specimens standing around two hundred feet in height and sporting leaves as large as a naga's head, a Battal Oak is a truly imposing sight. Despite being around 50-75 feet in width, only the core of the Battal Oak is famed for its legendary toughness, powerful enough for a seemingly mundane Oak weapon to withstand parrying against weapons of low to mid magic sword equivalence. Battal Oaks are highly valued, for the things made out of their wood have incredible endurance, and many a hero has triumphed due to their foe lowering their guard at having a ‘toy’ brandished at them. Of course, Battal Oak wood has also been used to make legendary items other than weapons, such as the Gigantic, a ship that was claimed to have been unsinkable. It was said to have crossed the Topazial sea multiple times, returning with exotic cargo never seen before. The ship has since vanished, having never returned from its first voyage to the more frozen northern seas, though many say its still intact out there somewhere.


One of the many berries of Felarya, albeit a very rare one. Its plant is a long, snaking vine that often grows on trees and other wooden structures. Its most known habitat is the Living Forest in the southern part of the Fairy kingdom. If a troughberry vine is allowed to grow on a piece of wood, even a living tree, long enough the troughberry vine will slowly soften and sweeten the wood, making it edible. This plant is regarded as a menace to just about everyone, as reports abound of seemingly impenetrable defenses being eaten through by predators still hungry for more, and one adventurer has even reported seeing a giantess eat an entire house covered with the vine, occupants and all. Removing the vine is extremely difficult, as it normally grows back stronger in a matter of days. Rumors tell of an even rarer variety that could act on stone! This vine is the absolute terror of dryads everywhere, and is often used as a curse. A dryad infested with troughberries can expect to have the food chain inverted on her in a matter of weeks, no matter how much she tries to get the vines off her. The plant is named after the Trough tribe of fairies who predominately use the plant as a tool to eat the many wild dryads that live and prey on them in the Living Forest.

As a side note, the berries themselves are quite tasty.


A pleasing red berry that appears to have a flavor reminiscent of a strawberry, and is readily identified by a sweet aroma that can be smelled for quite a long distance. The Wafelberry is an aqueous plant that grows in slow moving streams, where it draws nutrients from the surrounding water and stream bed. It is not unusual to find streams which are absolutely clogged with the delicious berries, and these brilliant red streams are referred to as Wafel Brooks, and are a treat to any hungry traveler who runs across one in the forest. However mermaids also enjoy these berries, often treating themselves to a dessert of sweet berries after eating whoever may have been trying to grab a few berries for themselves.


A small purple juicy berry which is in fact perfectly round and not in any way shaped like a musical instrument of any type. It gets it name from the dog sized lizard that can often be seen feeding on these berries.


The Veleda is a moderately common plant that is found in most of the known areas of Felarya that have a fair amount of vegetation. This plant varies a lot in size, from 3 feet to 40 feet tal for the largest specimens. The real noteworthy aspect of the Veleda is its stem. It has been determined that when the outer layer of the stem is peeled away, the inner portion can be chewed to whiten teeth and impart a pleasant, minty smell to the chewer's breath for a short period of time. Hybrid predators often use the giant variation to assist in their oral hygiene, since they lack toothpaste and toothbrushes. Humans living in the wilderness will use the smaller variety for the same purpose. This plant is in high demand in the deserts of Felarya from humans and predators alike, and the Veleda trade has been steadily growing in the more arid regions of Felarya. No one likes bad breath after all !

Licroa Seed

A plant so tiny, it almost looks like a sort of fluffy mold at first glance. The Licroa can pretty much grow everywhere and is very common. What makes the plant so remarkable however, are its seeds. The size of a dust peck, Licroa seeds carry an amazingly strong and spicy flavor. They are a much sought after by humans to flavor their foods. They are so small however, that only tinies can properly tend them and extract their seeds.


Ephemerales are a curious and unique mix of a plant and a sentient being. They have insect like, glowing wings that reflect sunlight,very noticeable antennae, and a small tail of sort that bend down and outwards from their body. Their wings appear to not be hampered in any way by being wet, being waterproof. - they can dive and easily emerge and start flying again. They really look like fairies, although they are always small, lacking the shrinking and growing magic common to fairies

Ephemerales are found in large numbers around ponds, lakes, swamps and sometimes rivers, specifically around a particular flower, which they have a complicated symbiotic relationship with. Some would say they *are* the flower. It has been determined that the inside of this flower’s long petals, which stretch upwards, is where Ephemerales eggs are to be found. Ephemerales eggs always hatch in the morning, when the flower’s petals lower to allow more sunlight. The fact that they are numerous and unable to grow has made them a favourite treat of various small predators, from small nagas to nekos, or mermaids.

What was at first most confusing about this species is that they live for only one day. Within the span of one day they rapidly mature, already being adult by the time they leave the flower in the early morning. They are sexually mature by then and mate and lay eggs within the flower from which they were born. The Ephemerale then returns to near the same flower in the evening, their wings lose their glow as the sunlight fade, and they crumble to dust. The next day, the whole process continues again, the Ephemerale rapidly developing overnight in their eggs. Ephemerales seem unawares of their fate and are, in fact, especially cheerful and playful even compared to fairies, living a totally carefree existence, even treating being hunted like a game. They eat sweet berries that grow from the flowers where they were born, play and frolic and make love, before the day ends.

Curious Negav scientists took some of the Ephemerales Flowers and planted them, around a created pond and studied a series of day cycles. Their data was remarkable, showing very close resemblance between Ephemerales parents and their offspring who emerge the next day, even having exact DNA! The truth was revealed when they began to focus on the similarities, some scientists noticing Ephemerales who looked and acted almost identical to Ephemerales in the last cycle. Though the Ephemerales “die” at the end of the day, the Flower seems to be able to store their DNA, passing it on to the eggs. Thus, the set of Ephemerales reborn in a colony is actually exactly the same set of Ephemerales born the day before! As well, the females seem to know exactly how many eggs to lay to keep the population at pretty much a precise level. Ironically, these creatures that live for one day are technically immortal. However, they do not remember any of their countless past lives – these fairies are “stuck” forever in constantly living one, new, exciting day. On Felarya, there could be worse fates.


A brilliant red giant flower with a long stem, nine petals and a yellow/white center that seems to gleam brightly in the sun. During the night, the flowers are indistinguishable from other average giant flowers, it is only in the direct light of the sun that their true nature is revealed. The flowers themselves are not harmful, but are a rare and beautiful sight in Felarya, growing in the small spots where the sunlight breaks through the trees. A rare field of fireflowers can be too dazzling to look upon directly. There are several predators that use the fireflowers as a hiding place to jump out as dazed prey, and conversely, many prey have escaped their pursuers by running into a field of fireflowers, the pred's increased height working against them as they lose sight of their quarry in the shining mass of plants.

Fireflowers are not worth too much to humans, nekos, or elves, but giant nagas and dryads and some other giant predators greatly enjoy wearing the giant flowers in their hair or collecting the flowers to use as decoration for their favorite sleeping spot.


A small white flower growing in very large numbers in Imoreith Tundra. It's also called "silent flower" because its main particularity is to absorb nearby sounds. In fact, it feeds on it. The acoustic of Imoreith Tundra is extremely strange in itself and these flowers are one of the cause, plunging some areas of the tundra into a seemingly unbreakable and eternal silence.


A strange two feet high mushroom that grows in and around the Mycoria forest and, on rare occasion, in the forests to the north. It resembles a typical agaric with a grey top and spots that vary in color. However, it is their strange behavior as fungi that make them stand out. After maturation, the mushroom pop from the ground and ramble about on small leglike appendages. Once it finds another wandershroom, they release spores and reproduce. They aren't deadly poisonous, but raw consumption will result in dizziness and confusion. They are harvested though, normally knocked down then cut at their stalks when they wander. They are mostly consumed for the effects, but some recipes do call for Wandershroom, mostly hard and spicy dishes for those willing to take it.

Syazi grass

This variety of grass is common in Deeper Felarya. It has a characteristic triangular blade, which is so broad it looks like a dagger. However, the grass itself is harmless. Its other characteristic is its strong grassy smell. By wrapping Syazi grass around one of your limbs, your own smell will be masked by that of the grass. As long as you're standing in Syazi grass, wearing fresh blades, and haven't done anything to be particularly smelly, such as hugging a Saslenoth or using an expensive shampoo, your smell will be undetectable. It's considered a must have by most local neko tribes, who find it indispensable to avoid some of the greater predators, with their unbeatable sense of smell. It's necessary, though not sufficient, to sneak past a predator without your smell foiling your efforts.


A strange conical mushroom that grows in some areas of the Imoreith Tundra. Their white, semi-transparent flesh make them appear to be upside-down icicles. They usually grow from patches of grass that have only been lightly covered in snow, and don't grow much larger than a foot. Despite their crystalline appearance, they are as fleshy and soft as a typical mushroom and can be harvested for various purposes. At night, they glow with a dim blue light, making a scene in the already eerie tundra all the more eerie.

Bulvon Serenity Caps

A small, semi-common mushroom that grows in clusters on elevated areas in Bulvon wood. Distinctive for it's yellowish, five-pointed star shaped caps, this fungus is named for the calming effect on those who consume it. A large dose (about five mushrooms, for a human) will render a person so serene they become almost incapable of anger, hostility or violence, unless severely provoked. For this reason, some groups will have both sides of a high-stakes negotiation take small doses, to ensure things don't get out of hand. Creative-minded adventurers should take heed however: Violence and aggression are in the eyes of the beholder. Most predators do not consider eating humans a violent or hostile act...

Spectral Weed

Spectral Weed, as the name suggests, is completely invisible. Furthermore, this strange plant is both odorless and almost impervious to detection by magic, meaning it can usually only be found via touch, and most often by accident. Spectral Weed is very rare, and mostly found in Miragia Forest, though small patches have been found in other areas as well. The plant's leaves are light, incredibly smooth and silk-like in texture, so much so that there are rumored to be a few sets of extremely racy lingerie woven from them.

Fairy Blossom

A small distinctive pink and red flower that grows close to the ground, usually in clusters. They are unique in that they only grow in areas that are frequented by fairies; they actually feed off of the magic generated by fairy size-changing magic, and will die within weeks without it. This does not actually effect the fairy, the plant only absorbs ambient, leftover energy produced by their magic. Fairy blossom is obviously extremely common in areas such as the Fairy kingdom or Forest of whispers. Through a complex and expensive alchemical process, Fairy Blossom flowers can be made into a potion that will render the imbiber virtually immune to size-changing magic for several hours. However, many adventurers have found out the hard way that this potion does nothing to prevent a fairy from making *herself* huge, and then eating them anyway.

Ribbon Grass

A relatively common aquatic plant found in both saltwater and freshwater varieties, Ribbon Grass possesses a mottled green and red coloration, and stretches out in long, distinctive ribbon-like stems, hence the name. Most notable as a food source, Ribbon Grass has more nutritional value than most plants, with its dense, crunchy texture, and slightly sweet flavor, though it is not sufficient to live on by itself for omnivores. When cooked, it produces an even more appealing, nutty flavor, and makes an excellent stew base. Less skillful aquatic predators will often supplement their diet with Ribbon Grass, though some enjoy the flavor more than others.

Popper Pods

A variety of deep-sea plant life, Popper Pods grow deep on the sea floor, the spherical, brownish pods themselves ranging from fist-sized to nearly six feet in diameter. The pods are filled with a buoyant gas, and once 'ripe', break away, carrying the seeds to the surface, where they will sometimes float for miles. What makes Popper Pods notable is that when they decay, and the gas within contacts air, it causes an explosion with considerable heat and kinetic force. The tiny, aerodynamic seeds are then hurled far and wide by the impact.

Puncturing a Popper Pod will also cause it to explode, and though not usually lethal to humans, (except with the largest pods) it will ignite anything flammable in a sizable radius. Alchemists have done some limited work in trying to put the gas to productive use, but its volatility makes it nearly impossible to work with. Some especially adventurous giant predators are rumored to actually eat Popper Pods, supposedly for the unique sensation of little explosions in their belly. The 'meat' and seeds of the pod are actually quite nutritious, though nearly tasteless.

Muse Rose

A rare bioluminescent blue flower growing in small groves along the lenght of the Torpaline coast, usually hidden inside a bramble thicket. It's called the Muse Rose for if anyone were to make contact with the flower or being within a five foot radius from it, their cerebral activity increase dramatically, which can help them finding ideas or becoming inspired to make a form of art, whether it be song, paint, story or a culinary masterpieces. Many artists or poets have set out to the Topazial Coast to find this treasure, very few ever returned. The region is dangerous and the Rosic nekos living there tend to not be very cooperative with helping finding the precious flower.


Nemetarbor is an ancient Elvish word meaning "the woods that walk". Indeed the nemetarbors are a strange mobile trees, native to Felarya and seeminlgy found nowhere else. In appearance they are similar to an oak, at least in morphology, though one can instantly tell them apart by the silver sheen of their bark and the fact that their slightly reddish leaves constantly "shiver" even when there is no breeze. For lengthy periods of time, ranging from months to years to even centuries, entire forests of nemetarbors stay in place and act like any other tree, photosynthesizing and drawing nutrients from the soil. It is only when the soil starts to loose its fertility that these trees live up to their name, unearthing themselves from the soil and walking about on their roots. The forests of nemetarbors move as one, their branches wrapping around those of their neighbors, as they follow the sun. After it has set, they will re-root themselves into the ground and, if the soil if fertile, remain there. If the soil isn't, then the nemetarbors will continue their migration till they find a suitable "feeding ground".

Young nemetarbors will grow in clusters and, when conditions are right, fall off the adult trees and then germinate. The ensuing sprouts will then rapidly intertwine their branches with their siblings and then either join the original or form a new one if they sprouted in the middle of a migration. The latter will grow faster without the competition of the adults and their thick canopy which would otherwise bath them in shadows. Nemetarbors tend to be found in plains and other wide open areas devoid of thick foliage. This is because the foliage would create obstacles for them and could even prevent them from moving, which in turn would stunt the growth of both the trees and the entire mobile forest. Despite this, they are often found near the edges of forests encroaching on their habitat. This actually halts the spread of other trees as their movement tramples young saplings attempting to establish themselves and increase the range of woodlands. Because of this, nemetarbors are able to maintain grasslands and similar regions over time and prevent them from being replaced by woods.


Carnegias are a strange species of spherical cactuses found within the Akaptor desert. They are highly adapted to desert life and sentient, to a certain extent. They can be seen rolling about the sand dune, even without any wind. They do it by shifting their weight in the direction they want to go. It's an agressive plant that will attack any creature passing nearby. Larger Carnegias are capable of capturing a human-sized creature, making it easy for a Predator to catch it. Moreover, immediately upon capturing a living creature the Carnegia will begin to draw moisture and the nutrients it needs to survive from the victim, eventually killing it. Sometimes, Carnegias will form herds that can become very dangerous for lone travelers. Rolling around also helps them to disperse their seeds which, unlike those of their cousin the sageras, are not explosive. When Carnegias are opened, their insides are revealed to be filled with hundreds of small, juicy arils. These are edible and are quite tart in flavor.


Trulps are large potatoe-like tubers native to Felarya. They have been cultivated into dozens of varieties suited for a wide range of habitats. Farmed as an important important food crop for Negav and other Felaryian cities, its extreme hardiness and its ability to grow in a wide variety of soils makes it an ideal food source. It is also capable of rapidly growing to the size of a man within a few weeks, a relatively fast growth rate which makes it highly prized by farmers. They are typically grown in large amounts and are thus relatively cheap. This tends to make them a common food source for the poor. It's high starch content makes it relatively filling, though it lacks many of the nutrients needed for a healthy growing body.


A type of ivy that grows in rocks. They have strong, solid roots that dig into cracks in the rocks and on cliffs, making a very solid handhold. Some of them can grow to an impressive lenght, providing an hazardous but genuine way to climb a cliff. The Ayutayas' yellowish leaves can also be plucked and mashed up for an edible (if somewhat bland) gruel. They can be found in abundance in Tobol mountains.


A cousin to the Ayutayas, this ivy is not nearly so benign. The leaves are thick, stiff, and the undersides are full of small but very nasty thorns. These thorns are slightly poisonous, with a type of numbing venom. Attempting to climb this look-alike will result in shredded fingers and numb hands. A nasty hazard to anyone trying to climb up a cliff with this plant growing on it.


A type of tall plant that is well-known among travelers for being highly annoying. The weed, usually growing in the Great rocky fields in large, waist-high patches, is immensely hated and avoided by most animals. When brushed against, it releases a thick grey-green dust into the air, which clogs up the lungs, coats the mouth, and plugs up the nose. It also absorbs moisture on contact, so much so that it can dry out the sinuses and lips until they crack and bleed. An excellent hiding place from predators, but only for the desperate.

Neverlight Tree

Found in the Evernight forest, the Neverlight Trees have always been objects of great fascination. Their origins are deeply rooted in myths and legends. Some paint a grim picture of their beginnings, suggesting that the Neverlight Trees sprouted from seeds of supernatural darkness that were planted during a large scale tragic event in the area's history. The Neverlight Trees are completely black due to their nature of absorbing all light that touches them. Some speculate that the trees are actually made of supernatural darkness. They grow very tall, even as high as 60 meters, and some rumors claim It to be due to the Neverlight Tree's insatiable hunger for light. This light devouring property combined with the intertwining branches in the tree canopy form an impenetrable barrier for light, ensuring that it stands absolutely no chance of reaching the floor of the Evernight Forest. The Neverlight Trees are the objects of many tales and myths. Some adventurers say that those who touch a Neverlight Tree will have their very soul drained from their bodies, others believe that the trees are alive and will whisper menacing threats to those who dare into the darkness of the forest. Just how many of the abundant myths actually have some merit to them is something not many are willing to explore.

Enigma Root

Enigma root gets its name from the fact that it only grows in places of considerable supernatural power. Healing springs, enchanted forests, cursed mountains, many locations in Fairy Kingdom and other such places are the natural habitat of enigma root. As a result, it was long believed that enigma root itself must contain some sort of power. Years upon years of research went into unlocking the secrets of this plant which would only grow in the presence of the supernatural. During this time, it gained the name "enigma root" to signify its mysterious nature. Eventually, the conclusion was reached that enigma root has no special properties and just likes to grow in enchanted places for whatever reason. Still, enigma root is pretty tasty when boiled. It has a very savory flavor and goes well with thick sauces or stews. While used by many of the races around Felarya, it is specifically known as one of the few vegetables which Fairies will touch (although still not without a human on the side).

  • Credits to Silent eric for the Dripping tree, Enigma root, Fireflowers, Bugleberry, Wafelberry, the Troughberry and the Battal Oak, to Stabs for the Syazi grass, to gt500x for the neverlight tree, to French-snack for the Licroa seeds, to Jasconius for the Nemetarbors, and trulps, to MrNobody13 for the Dustgrass, Ayutayas and Atuyas, to AisuKaiko for the Wandershrooms and Icepoint, to Jasconius and Nekopaladin for the Carnegias, to rcs619 for the Veleda, to PrinnyDood for the Serenity caps, popper pods, ribbon grass and spectral weed, to Sehoolighan for the muse rose, and to Jaette-troll for the ephemerales. Rain willow belongs to Melancholy-Melody13. This idea have been submitted before the November 15th, 2009 and their author didn't approve the disclaimer. Thus you must ask their permission before any use.