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The Ps'isol is an order of powerful mages who govern Negav. Ps'isol means " Enlightened one" in the language of one the founder of the order, [[Lord Teraph|Tedomes Theraph]].
The Ps'isol is an order of powerful mages who govern Negav. Ps'isol means " Enlightened one" in the language of one the founder of the order, [[Lord Teraph|Tedomes Theraph]].
Like their name implies, they rule by the sheer power of their magic. That rule is definitely authoritarian, with the Magiocracy sharing most of the executive power among its members, leaving very little outside their hands. In practice however, you will find few [[Negav#Negavian People|Negavians]] who would complain, at least not too loudly. First because it's not very healthy, but mostly because, in a world as dangerous as Felarya, security is the absolutely highest priority, and if the price to pay to be safe is to obey the rule of a bunch of rarely seen mages who rarely bother to mix into the affairs of the simple mortals anyway (seen as way too trivial and unworthy of their precious time), then so be it. Indeed the Ps'isol definitely keep Negav safe from predators, thank to their most famous creation: [[Negav#The Isolon Eye|The Isolon Eye]]. This marvel of magic repels predators, and, that alone, guarantees the magiocrats a long and relatively un-challenged rules for decades to come.  
Like their name implies, they rule by the sheer power of their magic. That rule is definitely authoritarian, with the Magiocracy sharing most of the executive power among its members, leaving very little outside their hands. In practice however, you will find few [[Negav#Negavian People|Negavians]] who would complain, at least not too loudly. First because it's not very healthy, but mostly because, in a world as dangerous as Felarya, security is the absolutely highest priority, and if the price to pay to be safe is to obey the rule of a bunch of rarely seen mages who hardly bother mixing into the affairs of the simple mortals anyway (seen as way too trivial and unworthy of their precious time), then so be it. Indeed the Ps'isol definitely keep Negav safe from predators, thank to their most famous creation: [[Negav#The Isolon Eye|The Isolon Eye]]. This marvel of magic repels predators, and, that alone, guarantees the magiocrats a long and relatively un-challenged rules for decades to come.  
The order is comprised of two layers:
The order is comprised of two layers:

Revision as of 18:29, 3 February 2014

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Isolon fist troops during an inspection

The great city of Negav is primarily ruled by two factions :

The Ps'isol Magiocrats, a council of powerful mages, and the Vishmitals, an advanced race of humans, possessing destructive weapons. This unusual alliance of scientific might and powerful magic is what keeps the city safe. The two factions eye each other suspiciously but they know they need each other, and so they share the power in an uneasy peace. There are many plots, counter plots and maneuvers taking place behind the stage though, among the many actors and political forces of that huge, dangerous city.

Ps'isol Magiocrats

Magiocrat flag

The Ps'isol is an order of powerful mages who govern Negav. Ps'isol means " Enlightened one" in the language of one the founder of the order, Tedomes Theraph.

Like their name implies, they rule by the sheer power of their magic. That rule is definitely authoritarian, with the Magiocracy sharing most of the executive power among its members, leaving very little outside their hands. In practice however, you will find few Negavians who would complain, at least not too loudly. First because it's not very healthy, but mostly because, in a world as dangerous as Felarya, security is the absolutely highest priority, and if the price to pay to be safe is to obey the rule of a bunch of rarely seen mages who hardly bother mixing into the affairs of the simple mortals anyway (seen as way too trivial and unworthy of their precious time), then so be it. Indeed the Ps'isol definitely keep Negav safe from predators, thank to their most famous creation: The Isolon Eye. This marvel of magic repels predators, and, that alone, guarantees the magiocrats a long and relatively un-challenged rules for decades to come.

The order is comprised of two layers:

-The Ps'isol mages. It's a rare title acquired after passing a very difficult test. Many candidates take it but very few ever achieve it. It's a recognition of one's excellent prowess at magic, a highly regarded status inspiring awe and respect and that opens numerous political gates in Negav. It's interesting to note that there has been Ps'isol mages stripped of their tittle in the past, although that remains an exceedingly rare event.

-The council members. It's a small gathering of the most powerful mages of Negav. They are the rulers of the city, creating laws and managing the resources at their disposal to make the city prosper. In the past, the council membership was a very tightly kept secret and only a council member knew who the other were. However, as they consolidated their power, their lifestyle became more comfortable, opulent and luxurious, and this secrecy became an annoyance with little use, and was eventually dropped altogether. Council members use a system of rotation among themselves to designate their leader. That position is currently held by the young and ambitious Lady Lesona.

Council members

Lady Lesona

Lord Gramon

Lord Amithep

Lord Teraph

Lord Thelandros

Lady Seluvine

Lord Mistrago

Lord Trebiz


Vishmital emblem

A very advanced race that once formed a glorious empire, Vishmitals long regarded themselves as the most powerful and sophisticated race of their galaxy. This belief was shattered however, when their homeworld was destroyed in a terrible war and their culture was very nearly wiped out. Since then, the remaining Vishmitals have been scattering, wandering from world to world, trying to gain power and to slowly, patiently recover their lost glory and seek revenge. Some Vishmitals use only raw force and their deadly weapons to achieve their objectives, conquering and subduing worlds, while others use diplomacy to gain influence in various important places. All Vishmitals, however, seek only one ultimate goal: to revive their empire. This is something that seem genetically imprinted in them. They will never give up working on this objective and will even sacrifice their lives for it. Other races must remain extremely cautious when dealing with Vishmitals, as no old friendship, deep love, or bribery can override the ultimate goal in the end.

Vishmitals in Felarya are mostly of the diplomatic type. They are widely seen as calm, composed, and calculating people, showing little of their emotions, at least not publicly. Trying to taunt or mock a Vishmital is like trying to mock a wall. They appear to seek only long term results, displaying a lot of patience to achieve them. A Vishmital just don't mind waiting. They are also known to be very resistant to any form of psychic control. They are disciplined and efficient at getting the job done, and are regarded by the general population as polite and helpful, if a little cold. For some reasons, Vishmitals are uneasy with shaking hands, a contact they see as too intimate in their culture, and will instead use their heads in little nods, or shakings, in order to express themselves or salute. They form one of the main factions of Negav and largely control the military might of the city. They are headed by the Chall Kazol ( Chall is a military rank akin to general ). Their motives in Felarya remain mysterious, and many among the Ps'isol Magiocrats are convinced their goal is to silently take control of Negav and overthrow them, creating a quiet but persistent power struggle, that flared up in a near civil war a few decades ago.

Known Vishmitals

Chall Kazol

Nanzon Fidrish

Ashmet dreypa

Isolon Fist

Under construction

Isolon Fist flag

The Isolon Fist is the personal fighting force of the Ps'isol Magiocrats. Currently headed by Commander Kamlon, the Fist is composed of a number of highly trained battlemages, supported by more conventionally armed soldiers and represents the full offensive might of the Council. The Isolon Fist's main role is to protect key Magiocrat interests, such as the Ascarlin mines to the west, and guarding highly sensitive sites, like the Isolon Eye or the Nexus. Because tensions are still lingering between the Isolon Fist and the Vishmitals, as the Fist were the ones deployed against them in some skirmishes taking place between the two factions a few decades ago, Magiocrats regard the Fist as much as a mean to help defend the city, as a mean to keep Vishmitals in check.

The security of the ascarlin mines is one of their main roles, though. The shipments of rare minerals and ascarlin can be worth an unfathomable amount of money, and follow a set route between Negav and the mines. This has made them a prime target for some of the more brazen, and well-armed bandit groups. Patrolling the region around Negav in the eye's range ( or what is the admitted range for an average predator ) is also part of their duty, in order to hold a visible presence and make the numerous bandits and thugs roaming the zone queasy, and keep it relatively safe for commoners. They sometimes engage and drive away predators who stray too close to the city as well. With their excellent training, they are well capable of beating even a giant naga. While dangerous, those later missions present the advantage of striking the imagination of Negavians and bolster the morale of the city. Of course the opposite is also true in case of failure, and they almost never conduct such operations outside of the Eye's range where the risks quickly offset any potential gains.


Isolon Fist uniforms. Picture by Blazbaros and used with artist's permission. For larger version visit Blazbaros's gallery

The Core of a regular Isolon fist unit is usually two well trained battlemages, whose powers and abilities are complementary in order to create efficient and versatile combinations, with several conventionally armed soldiers. One of the soldier holds the rank of captain, and has the second-highest authority under the two battlemages. Should both of the battlemages die or get incapacitated, the captain will assume command of the squad for the duration of the operation.

The uniform of Isolon Fist battlemages is very recognizable by design. They wear pure, white, hooded cloaks. There are usually markings on the shoulders, as well as along the cloak's borders. The other key element to their uniform is what sits on their chest. On the chest of each cloak, is a shield-shaped piece of metal, roughly the size of a human's hand with various markings and symbols, but the most dominant feature is the engraved image of an open, glaring eye. Because of the battlemage's high status, and the fact that there are relatively few of them compared to other soldiers, each mage also gets a high degree of leeway with personal customization. They can take their cloaks and gear to the official Isolon Fist tailors and armorers, and have all sorts of modifications made. Because of this, no two battlemages' outfits will look exactly alike, the only shared traits between them will be that they both wear white and will both have that distinctive piece of metal somewhere on their uniform. Most battlemages have two outfits at any given time. One uses a completely unmodified cloak, usually worn for formal events and ceremonies. The other outfit will be the personally modified cloak and gear, to be worn out on missions. The clothes worn beneath the cloak are entirely up to the mage's personal preference. They tend to be darker, more practical types of clothing. Some battlemage carry weapons with them, but some chose to remain totally unarmed, to allow a better liberty of movement.

Conventional soldiers of the Isolon Fist wear green, black, brown, and other forest colors. Their clothes typically have lots of pockets with all sorts of gear and weapons in them when heading off on a mission. These soldiers also tend to be equipped with a wide variety of amulets, enchanted items and charms, helping to increase their resistance to curses and illusions, as well as giving the otherwise non-magical soldiers access to a wide variety of beneficial magical effects. They have access to a wide assortment of weaponry depending on the mission and the type of creatures they have the most chances to encounter, whether it is humans, or some of the giant, dangerous creatures that prowl the Felaryan wilderness. The soldiers of the Isolon Fist use everything from assault rifles and grenades, to bows, electric spears, machine-guns or rockets grenade launchers. Most Isolon Fist weapons are often reinforced with enchantments of them, allowing for increased performance, as well as many other special effects.

Recruitment and training

Battlemages are recruited straight out of the Isolon University of Magic. Students who have shown the most magical potential, especially in the realm of more destructive and combat-oriented magic, will be offered the chance to apply for the Fist. Should they pass the extensive physical, mental and magical tests, they will become "grey-cloaks". During their time as grey-cloaks, the recruits will undergo further training and conditioning as the full force of their magical abilities are slowly brought out, and the aspirants are molded into elite soldiers and commanders of men. Once the recruits have completed their training, they are finally officially inducted into the order of battlemages in a secretive, and exclusive ceremony. The grey-cloaks are called up and addressed by name by the current command of the Fist. The magically reactive material in their cloaks is induced to change from dark grey, to the pure white of a battlemage's cloak, and then the recruit is given the metal badge that fully cements their place as a true battlemage. In the weeks following the ceremony, the new battlemages will spend many hours within the Trial Room of the Isolon University of Magic as they work to find the partner battlemage that will be best suited for them and their abilities.

The more conventional soldiers of the Fist come from all over. They can be Negavian-born, or off-worlders, militia men, mercenaries, or even police officers. The only requirement to be a soldier within the Isolon Fist is extreme physical prowess, and the courage to face down everything from bandits to giant, man-eating monsters. Some would argue that the tests, trials and conditioning required to be a soldier in the Fist are even more grueling than what the battlemages have to go through. Even after making it into the Isolon Fist, more tests await, ranging from physical trials, to mental conditioning and classes on Felarya's dangerous flora and fauna, to weapons training meant to familiarize the new soldiers with the arsenal they will be using. Some units count specialists in their ranks such as scouts, spies and saboteurs and some of them have demi-humanss such as nekos, inus and, in some rare cases, even hybrids or tauric creatures. Those later are mostly recruited in the Motamo docks. Thanks to their enhanced senses they can excel in their roles, but the high level of suspicions and distrust between them and humans make their usage pretty uncommon.

Because of the stress involved in their jobs, the Isolon Fist works on a rotation system. A unit goes "on rotation" for a certain amount of time, where they can be assigned to a guard detail, or called out on a mission whenever a problem comes up. Once finished, they go "off rotation" and get a certain number of days off, to relax, unwind, and prepare themselves for their next time on rotation.

Known members of the Isolon Fist

Thas Voidfingers

Ramtov Telekline

Charlotte Langlire

Commander Kamlon



The personal army of the Magiocrat Lady Lesona. They form a small, clandestine but fanatical group, ruthless, stealthy and deadly. Very little is know about their origins or inner workings. They are said to come from a remote world, having been brought in Felarya by Lesona. The reasons behind it are entirely unknown, but they are fanatically loyal to her, and won't hesitate to give away their lives for their master, and to jump without hesitation into the most dangerous, suicidal missions when ordered. They are mostly used for information gathering and quick and efficient assassination. Using portals, Lesona can send them virtually anywhere, even in the middle of the jungle, where their supernatural speed and agility can allow them to elude many predators.

Investigators Internal Security Division

An arrogant and shadowy intelligence agency wholly loyal to the Magiocrats. While they possess their own security troops they do not have the raw power of either the Isolon Fists or VISA. Rather they focus on intelligence gathering, investigations and overseeing security details. The ISD security forces also specialize in dealing with rogue mages or other unconventional threats.

Vishmital Internal Security Agency

The VISA is a corp composed of Vishmital reservists who guard some key installations within Negav, as well as ethnic Vishmital areas. Like the force that guards the city walls, they rely heavily on technology and other conventional means to carry out their duty. They have polite, functional relations with the Isolon Fist, helping them to supply both equipment and personnel, but are usually at odds with the Investigators, mainly due to political differences.

Negav Police

Formerly known as the MSD ( Investigators Metropolitan Security Division ), the police of Negav used to be a centralized and brutal corp overseeing all of Negav's internal security, using fear and a massive network of informers to keep the populace under control. However due to their increasingly violent nature, increasing tensions with Vishmitals, and a changing political climate, such a force was deemed unnecessary and the MSD was ordered to disband by the Magiocrats. Many members consider this to be a fall from grace and long for the days where the Investigators controlled Negav's security. Nowadays, the Negavian police is a mixed force, composed of Vishmitals, Negavians volunteers and mages. This stability however, comes at the cost of efficiency, as members tend to bicker among themselves and to stay loyal to their group. Thus, the Negavian police is widely seen by citizens as corrupt and slow to act.

Citizen militia

In some part of Negav, the citizen have decided to take their security into their hands and formed various militias to protect their local neighborhoods from various threats and undesirables. The VISA force can be described as the largest Citizen militia in Negav, however their organization and professionalism put them several leagues above the others. Most militia groups have their own interpretation of the law. Some like the "Companions of the dark angles district" are well known as a solid and reliable force acting honorably and with professionalism, while some like the dreaded "Guardians of the Skyless city" are nothing but large bands of ruthless bandits and thugs themselves, or are just an extension of the local criminal gangs and mafias. If this behavior gets out of hand the more professional security groups are ordered to move in and remove the corrupt militia, with often questionable success.

Private Security and Mercenary groups

For the rich and nobles, relying on professional security organizations who are politically motivated such as the Investigators or VISA can be rather bothersome. Instead many hire their own force; usually retired veterans or off world soldiers looking to make easy money to act as body guards. With the current lack of a city wide police force dedicated to dealing with common and local crime, it is not uncommon to find the more affluent neighborhoods patrolled by these private security personnel. There are many mercenary guilds in Negav, some of them sponsored or even sanctioned by the main security bodies.


Because Felarya is connected to so many dimensions, it quickly became a melting pot of cultures from countless different worlds. And with all those people coming to Felarya with their own beliefs and their sense of truth about the universe, religions naturally thrived. And in no place is this more true than Negav.

  • Credits to CauldronBorn24 for many ideas to develop Negavian factions, and to Rcs619 for expanding on the description of the Isolon Fist.