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Obrazyns can be found in several realms of Hell, as well as outside of it and even in physical worlds as they are the species of their kin that is the most adept at maintaining a physical form outside of a spiritual world under the right circumstances. They form a particularly dangerous species of succubi, despite their delicate appearance. Their bodies looks lithe and rather fragile, not unlike that of an elf. Their skins come in varied colors but are often marbled with beautiful patterns and sporting gems that seem to be encrusted into various parts of their bodies. Obrazyns are generally arrogant and vain, loving to look at themselves, sneaky and very curious.

Obrazyns are often called mirror succubi as they draw their power from reflections. Whenever an obrazyn stands near an object or a surface that is reflective enough, her reflection becomes a clone of herself. The shape and color of that clone can be affected by the surface used to create it. It immediately increases her raw power as the double in the reflection is like a copy of herself she can talk to and use to help her process more information faster. The more reflections in her vicinity, the more powerful an obrazyn becomes. In a hall full of mirrors reflecting her endlessly, an obrazyn could reach a formidable power and stay in a physical form virtually forever if she wished to. That power is also their weakness though, and if an obrazyn is deprived of reflections of herself, she becomes pretty weak, her magic becoming largely ineffectual. Obrazyn are rather fragile creatures, not tailored at all for physical combat like Mexolimes.

Obrazyns can use reflections for a variety of tricks. The most dreaded one is their ability to travel through reasonably sized mirrors to another one they have seen before and memorized. They can also make a mirror show exactly what they want it to and, just by touching one, they can tell what it showed a while ago. Lastly, they are able to create clones with the appearance of a person reflected by a mirror in order to impersonate them. It is not a perfect technique as it requires a full body reflection, a very good mirror and a good knowledge of the person. The more the Obrazyn knows about the original, the more convincing the imitation will be. A clone born from only superficial and basic knowledge of the original will looks empty and is going to quickly raise suspicions. The mirror have to be polished and clean as well as it will affect greatly the look of the clone. A smudged or dust-covered mirror is going to produce a poor imitation no matter how skilled the Obrazyn is. In the case of a technology or a spell that would change the original’s face or appearance, the Obrazyn’s attempt would instantly fail. Lastly, the reflection is always going to looks inverted from the original. It’s born from an image in a mirror after all. Such an arsenal of techniques makes Obrazyns formidable spies indeed and allows them to quench their insatiable curiosity.

Their most impressive trick, however, is to have all of their nearby reflections gather and perform a task, from doing some research to attacking an enemy. It’s a powerful ability as each clone can channel a magic of its own, making a large group of them extremely deadly. They are, however, fragile and weaker than the original. When a clone is destroyed it shatters like glass and won’t come back before a while, significantly weakening the Obrazyn. Moreover, all information a clone might have gathered is lost if they are not communicated to the original before its destruction or dissipation. There is a little trick to finding an Obrazyn hiding among a group of her clones as, because they are her living reflections, they reflect everything that happen to the original as well.

Obrazyns are not as voracious as other succubi. They do devour souls, but their rather small stomach is easily satiated and can stay long periods without the need of eating. There are rumors about the mirror maws seen in Milkadis temple being the mouth of Obrazyns who use the temple as an hunting ground.

  • Credits to Shaman and felarya_refugee for coming up with additions to the Obrazyns.