Jewel river

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full mermaid

After a shipwreck in Jewel river...

Danger: Normal
Sub zones: Underwater crystal caves
Inhabitants: mermaids, dryads, fairies , silver mycorpes, royal pelicans, pearl anemones, toxotidas, exovoles, jewel fishes, nagas, opal mingos, noghdongs

A huge river so large that only a fourth of it is shown on the map, and so wide that you can barely see the other side when you stand on the shore. As its name suggests, it is filled with treasure. The riverbed is literally covered with jewels and gems. For mysterious reasons, there never seem to be any fewer of them, no matter how much greedy treasure hunters take. The river also has plenty of jewel fish, a usually legendary creature whose skin is worth more than diamonds on some worlds. The river and its surroundings are home to a wide range of colorful, shimmering fauna. Of course, although they may be very beautiful, the fauna here are no less dangerous, nor any less gluttonous than in the rest of Felarya...

Underwater Crystal Caves

Danger: Hazardous
Inhabitants: crystal dragons, crystal mermaids

For those few brave souls who actually risk swimming in the river, their destination is typically the legendary Crystal Caves. While the process that created them is unknown, the properties of many of the types of crystals that are found there present treasure seekers with no lack of motivation to visit them. Besides being incredibly beautiful, some of them can heal wounds, read minds, create gateways, and endow the user with incredible power.

However, the caves are teeming with many untold horrors and monsters, many mutated by their long centuries in contact with the crystals. Those who have survived encounters with them tell of beasts and intelligent beings partially, or even totally covered with growths of crystals. In some cases, the being in question is something they might normally see above ground, such as a nagas or even a human. Many of these creatures now exhibit great powers, no doubt obtained from the crystals, but it is theorized that these beings may not in fact be individuals anymore, but rather drones working for some sort of intelligence.

An ancient tablet, discovered in the ruins of Ur-Sagol, makes reference to the Crystal Cave as being some sort of living, intelligent entity. It talks about crystal covered beings bringing sacrifices to a large gaping mouth deep within the cave, where the victims were thrown into and devoured. After being digested, the person would then become energy, distributed among the network of living crystals. The tablet doesn't go into much more detail, but it describes how sometimes the entity would not devour the sacrifice, instead turning it into a mindless slave to do its bidding.

  • Credits goes to Veeshan123 for the idea and design of the Crystal caves.