Fire Succubi

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Fire succubi in Antarioch

Contrary to what people may think, all succubi don't have an affinity for fire. Since they live in Hell most of them are used to high temperatures, but fire is as damaging to them as it is to any other being. The major exception to this are fire succubi. For a fire succubus, walking through flames is as natural and as harmless as breathing. It is hard to understand just how immune to fire and heat these succubi are. In the fire realm of Antarioch, whose atmosphere is hot enough to liquefy normal iron, fire succubi have build bath houses in some spot to take advantage of the lava. Actually the whole realm is seen as a great vacation spot among them! The only danger lava could pose to a fire succubus is if she was to sink in a lava of mud-like substance and drown in it.

A limit actually does exist to that supposed immunity to heat, though. If the temperature increase to frighteningly high levels, fire succubi will start to feel a state of either drowsiness, giddiness or hyper-activity, their organisms becoming overwhelmed by the unimaginable amount of energy coursing through their body. That tolerance level varies widely from one specimen to another but a fire succubus could die if exposed for too long past her breaking point, although not from her body body being consumed but more by an overload of energy. We're talking about tremendously huge amount of heat here though and, as long as a fire succubus don't try to dive into a sun, she should be perfectly fine. Obviously, the natural temperature of a fire succubi's body is very high, although they can regulate it and can make themselves only warm to the touch of others when needed. They love fire and heat but can also live without it for a while.

Fire succubi are prone to anger and sudden fits of rage. they don't like to hold feelings inside themselves and will bluntly empty their plate each time they need to. Despite that volatile aspect, fire succubi are surprisingly less chaotic than many other demons and hold honor and courage in high esteem. A fire succubus will also always try to keep her word and can make a very loyal ally.

Another remarkable trait of fire succubi is their very long tongue. They can literally wrap it around their prey, or use it for very sensual kisses...

Fire succubi are born fire spellcasters. A newborn fire succubus already knows most of the fire spells that a human mage would know only after studying fire magic for many long years.

Known Fire Succubi

  • Faldhatée