Fairy Culture

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Fairies form a carefree and rather chaotic society , not liking complicated things like social status and formalities. They aren't very organized, most of them simply wandering and doing what appeal to them and feel fun on the spur of the moment. Things like forming factions, engaging in politics are mostly foreign concepts to them, although some exceptions exist.

As a whole, fairies form a pretty creative species. They are beings of raw emotions, often loving to engage in arts and possessing a lot of sensibility. They are curious in general and adore trying new things, and they are not afraid of being wrong. They tend have little patience though, so they are not the best suited for conducting long and steady scientific research. Fairies also have schools. It's not mandatory by any means, but they like to learn new things anyway. A little known trait of fairies is they tend to adore reading and form a highly literate species. Sometimes, a simple way to get a noisy, turbulent prankster fairy to keep quiet, or an hungry one to forget about eating you is to hand them over a book.


he morning birds had just begun their morning chirping, welcoming the new day with song, when Lasya made it back to her village. Lunar fairy villages were different from most fairy villages. They were designed to be completely hidden, to the point where an outsider could literally be standing in the middle of the village and never know it. All the houses were built inside the forest trees, with entrances cleverly designed to look like natural formations on the trees. The entrances were tiny, purposely forcing a fairy to shrink to make it inside. Once inside, however, the trees, being Felaryan trees and therefore huge, were large enough to easily accommodate a human sized family.

Fairy Glass

Fairy Glass is a special kind of glass, made from a combination of sand from Akaptor desert and ground rocks from near the Fairy Pond. Mixed with a fundent and molten before being blown into its form, Fairy Glass preserves shrinking effects on the target, keeping it small for as long as it's inside the glass object. Fairy Glass is mostly used to make bottles and snowglobes, but it can also be used to make rings, bracelets, tiaras, and other jewelry for people who for some reason want to stay small for a prolonged period of time. It can also be used for optics, but people wearing fairy glasses tend to be prone to strange accidents- not all of which involve the optic properties of the material. Not completely, at least.

  • credits to Stabs and Yuki_Akuma for fairy glass