Edible Plants

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When searching for food in the jungle, it's sometimes safer and easier to go for plants rather than hunting animals. Most of them are easy to identify and quite nutritious. Moreover, they grow in abundance in the jungles of Felarya. You better concentrate when gathering them though, to avoid picking poisonous species or plants with undesirable effects.


Citroise trees grow in humid zones such as the Chordoni waterfalls or the Chidokai forest. They produce the citroise, a fruit that resembles a huge plump purple peach, and is absolutely delicious.

Telltale Tree

A deciduous tree found almost anywhere in Felarya. It produces a citrus-like fruit that beats constantly, much like a heart, when fresh. The Telltale fruit tastes tangy and delicious, but the sensation of eating a pulsating fruit is enough to make most a tad queasy.

Stam Root

A common and easy to harvest root that is found almost anywhere in Felarya. Easy to find due to it's unique pale pink leaves that grow up from the ground, the roots can be eaten raw for a mildly palatable meal. Stam Roots fill it's consumer with seemingly boundless energy, and are very helpful for tired, hungry travelers. Just beware of the the pink leaves as they are slightly poisonous, and taste horrible too.


The fruit of the Drakewillow tree is famous and a particular favorite of many of the races in Felarya. Its named the Dragonapple because of its fiery bite. It has been described as being "maidenly to the mouth, yet boisterous in the belly" and "a bit like cinnamon". The Dragonapple is the primary ingredient in Dragonapple juice and Dragonapple wine, very sought in Felaryan taverns. When collecting Dragonapples however, one must watch out for the dangerous drakewillow nexolt that might be lurking near the tree.


A pleasing red berry that appears to have a flavor reminiscent of a strawberry, and is readily identified by a sweet aroma that can be smelled for quite a long distance. The Wafelberry is an aqueous plant that grows in slow moving streams, where it draws nutrients from the surrounding water and stream bed. It is not unusual to find streams which are absolutely clogged with the delicious berries, and these brilliant red streams are referred to as Wafel Brooks, and are a treat to any hungry traveler who runs across one in the forest. However mermaids also enjoy these berries, often treating themselves to a dessert of sweet berries after eating whoever may have been trying to grab a few berries for themselves.

Sogram Tastimus

This plant grows mostly in Forest of whispers and Fairy kingdom, and thus is very used by fairies who are numerous in these zones. It looks like a huge, spherical bulb with a tiny blow hole. The bulb produces a fine powder called Sogram sugar that, when spread on something - or someone - give it a very sweet and tasty flavor. The plant is pretty fickle, and tends to blows its content from the lightest shock. The Sogram produces the sugar very quickly, and some fairies even harvest it to enhance the taste of their meals.

Licroa Seed

A plant so tiny, it almost looks like a sort of fluffy mold at first glance. The Licroa can pretty much grow everywhere and is very common. What makes the plant so remarkable however, are its seeds. The size of a dust peck, Licroa seeds carry an amazingly strong and spicy flavor. They are a much sought after by humans to flavor their foods. They are so small however, that only tinies can properly tend them and extract their seeds.


Trulps are large potatoes-like tubers native to Felarya. They have been cultivated into dozens of varieties suited for a wide range of habitats. Farmed as an important important food crop for Negav and other Felaryan cities, its extreme hardiness and its ability to grow in a wide variety of soils makes it an ideal food source. It is also capable of rapidly growing to the size of a man within a few weeks, a relatively fast growth rate which makes it highly prized by farmers. They are typically grown in large amounts and are thus relatively cheap. This tends to make them a common food source for the poor. It's high starch content makes it relatively filling, though it lacks many of the nutrients needed for a healthy growing body.

  • Credits to Icalasari for the Telltale tree, to Jasconius for the trulps, to French-snack for the Licroa seeds, to Sean Okotami for the Sogram tastimus, and to Silent eric for the Stam root, Wafelberry and Drakewillow,