
From Felarya
Revision as of 01:19, 3 March 2013 by Oldman40k2003 (Talk | contribs) (Translate "alguaes" into "algae"; hope that's a correct translation. Might also be translated into "seaweed" or "kelp"?)

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Alguanes are essentially aquatic dryads, part algae and part humans. They have usually long, slender bodies, slightly waving in the current, thin limbs, and mildly elongated faces, giving them an exotic look. Their skins appears to be rough and heavily textured as well, making it easy for them to blend into their surroundings without using any magic. The magic they are adept at is more centered on manipulating and changing the current of the water in a zone around them, which they use to capture prey. They can also create brief but powerful whirlpools on the surface by inhaling water, posing a threat to small ships sailing above them.

  • Credits to Pendragon for the Alguanes idea.