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A giant elf bathing with unexpected visitors... Picture by Pogojo and used with artist's permission. For larger version visit Pogojo's gallery

Elves are beautiful and mythical beings. They have delicate slender bodies, big expressive eyes, and their graceful and fragile features are extraordinary beautiful. Their most typical traits are their pointed ears and high cheekbones. On Felarya, their size varies a lot: some are human-sized ( though slightly taller ), while others easily reach 90 feet in height. Smaller elves form a peaceful race, who love nature and beautiful things. They often express themselves in the arts of drawing, music, and literature. They rarely mix with other races, considering them to be inferior, and in turn they are considered haughty and disdainful. They live in a forest, or sometimes in caves, and are numerous on Felarya, though not in the areas covered by the current map. They are excellent magic users, have incredible reflexes, and their proficiency with ranged weapons is legendary. ( Actually, they are less skilled than nemesises, but don't say that in front of them ! )

Depending on their size, elves can be both prey and predator. Smaller elves find themselves confronted with a big problem: they taste incredibly good and once a predator has eaten one, it will usually try to catch others. On the other hand, larger elves make frighteningly efficient hunters because of their heightened vision and hearing, and their lightning quick reflexes.

Known Elves


Aloes Tribe

Under construction

Small tribe of giant elves living in Prayaga island

Scarlet Elves

A giant species of elf living mostly in the jungle of perils and a few other places. Scarlet elves have slightly red skin and blazing red hair. They are extremely agile and can climb trees so fast that it almost seems as if they are flying. They are sometimes called "dancing elves" because the females seem to constantly dance when they move. This dance is fascinating and incredibly erotic. An unaware male adventurer can find himself literally mesmerized by it, even though it doesn't involve any magic. The exact reasons for these "dances on the move" are unknown but it greatly helps the elf in catching prey. After a good meal, a female scarlet elf will also do a belly dance, sensuously undulating her body and caressing her belly, a ritual supposed to ease her digestion. Unlike other elves, scarlet elves are not very good spellcasters. They are very proficient at hand to hand combat though, and they all master a very powerful self-hasting spell that doubles their already incredible agility and speed. Needless to say, this makes them one of the most dangerous predators in the jungle of perils.

Known Scarlet Elves


Phantom Elves

A human-sized species of elves, found mostly in Sunfall thicket, where several major tribes have settled.

Phantom elves usually have grey skin, glowing eyes, and dark hair. They wear light armor and use strange crescent-shaped blades, similar to a Kopesh. They are wild and ferocious and, with their phasing skills and great agility, can be as deadly as far bigger creatures. Their special senses allow them to see spirits and ghosts perfectly, and they possess some mind-affecting spells that are very efficient against them. While a ghost can devour an elf from time to time, it happens rather rarely and they mostly live in peace with the sentient ghosts. Wild and beastly spirits such as labrisomes still pose a deadly and relentless threat, and are dealt with accordingly. Phantom elves have incredible control over their soul and mind, and possess the unique ability to somehow transcend death: the soul of a deceased phantom elf can choose to re-enter its body a couple of seconds after death, healing it and reforming it in the process, effectively reviving the elf! This second life can only be used once though, and the big drawback is that they revive exactly in the place where they died. Needless to say this is useless if the elf drowned chained to a rock underwater, or was digested in a stomach.


Picture by Bokuman and used with artist's permission. For larger version visit Bokuman's gallery

Mist Elves

Mist elves are half-breeds, part elf and part water dragon. They are called elves instead of demi-dragons because they take more of their physical features from their elven ancestors than their draconic ones. However, they have still inherited many attributes from their dragon ancestors. For instance, their bones are stronger than a normal elf's, and they have much better vision. Mist elves have great aptitude for knowledge and learning, but are very prone to passionate emotional outbursts. They are more able to care for others than their water dragon cousins and they are also less lethargic. The average female height is about 100ft while the average male height is 120ft. They have long whitish-purple hair, purple skin, and their eyes are either blue, green, or more rarely, crimson. Some mist elves also possess a tail but this is very rare. Males sport two horns on their brow as a reminder of their draconic heritage.

Full description

Known Mist Elves


Credits to Nksrocks for the revivification idea. Mist elves belongs to Wowandwas. This idea have been submitted before the November 15th, 2009 and their author didn't approve the disclaimer. Thus you must ask their permission before any use.