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Sandy coloured fur and black ears
Bright green eyes

Sonya is an attractive neko with sandy coloured fur and black ears.  She has bright green eyes.  She’s 5’2 in height and weighs around 98 pounds.  She has quite a nice figure.  Like most nekos in her area, she’s not big on wearing clothes!

Sonya is a rather naive young lady.  She tends to act without thinking things through first.  Since meeting Tanya, she’s grown a LOT wiser!  She’s very empathic and ready to lend a sympatric ear to the problems of others.  She’s very forgiving, even to the worst of people. She’s very good at turning the other cheek. Tanya thinks she’s crazy!
Sonya does have her hang ups though.  She likes power and is prepared to go to some lengths to get it!  
Like most nekos, Sonya is terrified of Nagas!  Especially one blond haired specimen named Crisis!  To be fair, Crisis has devoured most of Sonya’s tribe over the years.  Now that she’s living in close vicinity with three large Nagas, Sonya’s nerves have taken a real pounding!  Not to mention all the fairies and other predators that keep on dropping in!
Sonya is a fish fanatic!  She could eat it all day!  Anko on a plate is her idea of Heaven!  She’s quite good at fishing too!
She’s also rather fond of music and loves to listen to Léa sing.  Unfortunaly this means having to share close quarters with Crisis.  This is a great strain on both of them.  Crisis finds it difficult to ignore such a delicious looking neko sitting so close to her! 

Sonya is the only known surviving member of the Broken Hill Tribe. (Crisis ate the rest!)   This neko tribe was unusual in not only being nomadic but also in it’s unusual connection to the spirit world.  It is (or was) their tradition to send aspiring shamans out alone into the jungle to contact their spirit guide.  This spirit guide is usually the spirit of a deceased member of the tribe who connects to the shaman and shares the benefits of a lifetime of experience with them.  

Sadly, sometimes a shaman is contacted by a different kind of spirit entirely! It’s not unknown for shamans to be possessed by malicious spirits. These shamans become creatures of great evil!

Sonya is an only child and spent much of her life training to become the tribes next shaman. When she turned sixteen, she was sent into the jungle to perform the ritual that would bond her with her spirit guide. Sadly she contacted the departed spirit of the vampire Tanya. As well trained as Sonya was, she was no match to the far more experienced Tanya! She was first tricked into attacking the Naga Katrika by Tanya and then lost her mind to the vampire in a moment of panic!

Currently, Sonya is trapped in the recesses of her own mind. She’s able to see and hear everything going on around her but is powerless to affect anything around her. She struggles against Tanya’s control constantly but has made little headway so far.

Sonya likes Léa.  She loves Léa’s voice and feels safe with her.  They get along quite well.

Crisis on the other hand scares Sonya spit less! She’s already had one close escape from her and she makes a point of never being alone with Crisis. Just in case! Sonya doesn’t have a lot to do with Anna. They usually avoid or ignore each other. The Naga she has the most to do with is Katrika as Tanya likes to keep close to her. Sonya realises that Katrika probably won’t eat her but its still hard on her nerves to have the Naga looming over her! Sonya is NOT very fond of Tanya. (Can you really blame her?) She has tried to engage the vampire in conversation from time to time. Tanya isn’t really interested in making friends though.

Nix freaks Sonya out She hasn’t had much to do with Chilotaurs but they scare her!

Sonya is adapting to life with Tanya slowly.  She often offers advice to the vampire or comments on her actions.  She’s starting to feel some sympathy for Katrika and her crush on Anna.  Emotionally, they’re much the same age.  

Nevertheless, if the chance came along to regain control of her body, she’d take it in a heartbeat! She’d feel sorry afterwards-maybe.

Under construction

  • Credits goes to Zoekin for the design and idea