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Modanthe was a giant dridder with an athletic build, short brown hair and sharp green eyes. she is usually represented in combat outfit, wielding her legendary war spear. A Competitive and aggressive individual, she was famous for being ill-tempered, hotheaded and foul-mouthed but also fiercely loyal to her friends. She became the personal bodyguard of Empress Eteni and one of her most trusted confident.


The first mentions of Modanthe in history records are found when she was part of a small band of wandering dridders, used in violence, raids and pillage. One day they decided to attack the Elven city of Restalen in order to feast on its inhabitants, a brash and very foolish idea. However it's unclear why the security was so lax this day, but using the treetop, the dridders managed to reach the lush gardens of the city and to drop among the elven nobility gathered there. They started to gorge themselves on the terrified elves, with little opposition. Modanthe caught and swallowed Empress Eteni, before the guards finally came in, killing several of the attackers, repelling the others, and capturing Modanthe after forcing her to cough out the Empress.

The dridder was locked down, likely to be soon executed. To her surprise however, she was given a short visit by Eteni herself, coming to talk At first, Modanthe took it for some sort of teasing before death and locked herself in a defiant silence. This didn't discouraged Eteni who came back a few days later and eventually the dridder decided to respond. They confronted their visions, that of two very different individuals; Modanthe's bleak, sarcastic and somewhat nihilistic outlook on the world, versus Eteni's bright and hopefull view on things, and steely resolve. Modanthe discovered she rather appreciated these debates with this sharp elf, rarely having taken time to take a pause to think things through before in her life. She was also impressed by Eteni's courage, coming un-escorted. A respect developed between the two, eventually turning into a strange friendship. One day, Eteni proclaimed Modanthe to be free to go after having her swear to never attack an elven city again. However Modanthe decided to stay at her side, and took an oath of loyalty, swearing to defend her friend and Empress.

Modanthe became Eteni's personal bodyguard, carrying her across the Empire and protecting her. Over the years, the bond between the two strengthened to become very solid and their confidence in each others absolute. Life for Modanthe was not easy though. Many elves remained deeply suspicious of her and some part of the nobility never accepted her at all. The giant dridder also made efforts to adapt herself to the sophisticated and polished elven protocol, although her crude, hotheaded and brutally honest nature was quick to come back.

Dridder Ambassador

The reign of Eteni was marked by a war with the dridder kingdom. It was then ruled by Queen Taxshillia. under her cruel and iron rule, the place where Modanthe was born had become a hellhole, forcing many dridders to flee further to the north where they formed raiding bands, attacking and eating elves and posing a growing threat. Modanthe herself was distressed by how hard life had become here under Taxshillia's reign, and obviously saw in those bands part of her own former life prior to meeting Eteni

Eteni offered help from her army to overthrow the Queen while Modanthe worked to have dridders secede from the Kingdom and join the Empire. After a bloody struggle and a civil war, Modanthe finally slew Taxshillia in a duel

the famous piece " The saga of Modanthe the brave"

Modanthe settled as an ambassador during the following years of peace, then a guerrilla war started, marked by quick but violent skirmishes

Modanthe died in 4749 B.U. – killed by a javelin in an ambush

In a combat sung

A Civil war broke out among dridders, finally ending in the Queen's defeat, slain in duel by Modanthe. The royal family hastily fled into exile, and all resistance crumbled. Modanthe refused to become the new Queen though, in order to remain at the service of her friend. She merely settled as an ambassador. Troubles were brewing though, and a few years later the resistance organized itself, leading to a long, exhausting and hard-fought guerrilla war, with quick but deadly skirmishes. One day, a messenger came to Eteni bearing grim news : Modanthe had been slain in combat. This caused immense sadness to Eteni who mourned for months the loss of her friend. She took revenge and saw personally that the Dridder royalists were completely crushed and their forces annihilated. She took no pleasure in the deed though, and the victory tasted very bitter indeed. Eteni became distant and prone to bouts of melancholy and depression.

controversy among elves

is one of the deadliest fighters in

Fierce warrior