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Despite its sinister reputation, the existence of the dimensional gate on the outskirts of the city means a fair amount of traffic still passes through it. The place is dangerous. Not only Felaryan predators often come here seeking fresh preys form other worlds, but also many bandits and thieves lurks in the ruins to rob the newcomers and trade caravans headed to and from the gate.
Despite its sinister reputation, the existence of the dimensional gate on the outskirts of the city means a fair amount of traffic still passes through it. The place is dangerous. Not only Felaryan predators often come here seeking fresh preys form other worlds, but also many bandits and thieves lurks in the ruins to rob the newcomers and trade caravans headed to and from the gate.
A minor magic-user by the name of Tanya has set up a small business trading in magical spells and items just outside of the city walls.  Prices vary but the results are usually good.
=== Sagolian people ===
=== Sagolian people ===

Revision as of 21:11, 4 December 2007

Danger : Normal
Sub zones : Great dimensional gate
Inhabitants : kensha beasts, nagas, podmaws

A ruined, ancient city, once safe and prosperous. Over time, Ur-Sagol became a large and mighty Metropolis, well known in several worlds for its powerful mages and its great gathering of felaryan artefacts and treasures.

The true reason for the city destruction is unclear and probably lost in time as it took place 2000 years ago, according to some scriptures. However it is widely believed that the city became too big and expansionistic for its own good, and caught the attention of a guardian. Which one is unknown, however the destruction was spectacular and fast.. Strangely in that time the jungles surrounding the ruins have been slow to reclaim them, Giving suspicion that the land has been cursed as well.

Ur-Sagol has since become a ominous omen for every Felarya cities, often branded to dissuade expansionistic leaders.

Despite its sinister reputation, the existence of the dimensional gate on the outskirts of the city means a fair amount of traffic still passes through it. The place is dangerous. Not only Felaryan predators often come here seeking fresh preys form other worlds, but also many bandits and thieves lurks in the ruins to rob the newcomers and trade caravans headed to and from the gate.

A minor magic-user by the name of Tanya has set up a small business trading in magical spells and items just outside of the city walls. Prices vary but the results are usually good.

Sagolian people

The Sagolians were, as far as anyone can tell, brilliant. Building massive structures and excelling at various types of magics, they seemed to command great power and wealth. However over the past 2000 years the city has been copiously ransacked and pillaged, leaving little to no evidence of their cultural heritage and way of life. The only sure thing is that the large structures resemble early Babylonian and Egyptian architecture of ancient earth. They range in size from small hovels to monstrous temples scattered in a large area.

Great dimensional gate

Danger : Low
Inhabitants : varies

This gate is one of the most used of Felarya.

Its design is unique and a great source of wonder and mystery. Other gates are only able to connect to types like themselves, and can only travel to other worlds with a similar system, whether magical or science based. However this one seems able to adapt, connect and otherwise function completely independent of all others… perfectly.

For example, one day an assassin used the gate to connect to a heavily secured, and normally impenetrable, teleport network inside the Tetronis imperial palace and murder the emperor
( this led afterward the Tetronis empire to officialy declare war on Felarya to destroy the gate even though they had no clue where it was to begin with. )

Another mystery is the odd ease of use of the gate. Only a thought on where you wish to go will suffice to travel, and this with an astounding accuracy. Obviously, this makes the ancient and mysterious artifact something of a legend on many worlds, baffling mages and scientists alike. No one has ever been able to figure out how it works. It appears to be solid stone of unknown type. Dark, with a slight luster it seems as solid and ageless as time itself. You could fire a missile at it and not make the slightest tiny dent on its surface.

All attempts to date it have failed as well. Records indicate that it has existed as long as anyone can remember leaving most to believe it was created by a god of some type long ago. Several peoples have adopted it as a sort of religious symbol, making its ownership a thing of great contention. However, after its last "owner", the people of Ur-Sagol, were destroyed, it has been left alone, many fearing the same fate would befall them as the doomed city.


The gate itself forms a perfect circle. The inner ring has a diameter of approximately 5 yards. The pedestal the gate is placed upon is ordinary granite form a local source, and is believed to be around 4000 year old, revealing that, at the very least, it has been in that spot since then.

A great tower stands next to the ring, probably raised by the Sagolians. The orb at its summit will hurl thunderbolts at anything above a certain size. These thunderbolts are not lethal but painful enough to dissuade a great predator from simply laying down, mouth wide open against the gate...