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Note : English is not my prime language so although the writting is being corrected, please don't mind the sometimes clumsy phrasing and typos ( or report it to me if you wish ^^ )
Note : English is not my prime language so although the writting is being corrected, please don't mind the sometimes clumsy phrasing and typos ( or report it to me if you wish ^^ )
And <font color = #ff9500>'''WARNING'''</font> : this document contains some strong [[Swallowed whole and alive|vore]] references and  some pictures depicting nudity.
And <font color = #ff9500>'''WARNING'''</font> : this document contains some strong [[Swallowed whole and alive#About Vore|vore]] references and  some pictures depicting nudity.
* [[Felarya:About|About this Wiki]]
* [[Felarya:About|About this Wiki]]

Revision as of 07:01, 17 July 2007

Thanks a lot to El portero, WowandWas, Randomdude, Veeshan123, XLRP, Shaman, Servomoore, Wolf98456, Furecer who contributed in creating the foundations of this universe :)
And thank you to every author who has written on it and helped it grow !

Note : English is not my prime language so although the writting is being corrected, please don't mind the sometimes clumsy phrasing and typos ( or report it to me if you wish ^^ )
And WARNING : this document contains some strong vore references and some pictures depicting nudity.

General content :

The world of Felarya


A region of Felarya. The full picture can be seen here : [1]


Felarya is covered by 55% of jungle and forest, 40% of sea and 5% of other types of land. It's a strange world, situated just at a crossroad between dimensions which make it dimensionally unstable. Lot of strange things happens there. For one, random worlds very often connect themselves to Felarya for no apparent reasons.

For example, let's imagine you see a desert in the middle of the Felaryan jungle... You step on it and as you do, you change world without even noticing. If you step back, you return instantly to Felarya which make the thing even more difficult to detect. Most people would just believe the desert is a part of Felarya that wasn't here yesterday for whatever reasons. However when you come back one day later, there is nothing any more but jungle : the world has "unconnected" itself and has returned to its previous state. Chance are high its inhabitants didn't even noticed the process unless they saw this strange jungle that wasn't there yesterday..

The connection time is very random but rarely exceed a few hours. However there are also some place in Felarya that are originally not from this world. They have been "absorbed" during their connections and never returned afterward. Still these places can return to their original state at any moment, much like a volcano could awaken, and so vanish suddenly.

However Felarya itself rarely fickle. The world stay somewhat stable. What usually change is that out of nowhere some world connect / unconnect to it. Original part of Felarya has very few chance to suddenly vanish to another world. It CAN happen but that's a 1 chance on several billions. In theory no spellcaster could cast an absolute anti-dimensional fickle barrier... that's something even a god would have trouble to do...

Dimensional portals

There is a whole class of spellcasters specialized in dimensional magic. While it's a very hard and dangerous magic, portal crafting is a basic task for them. Basically a portal is like a double way door from a place to another. However the maker of the portal can place some sort of restrictions on it ( if King Quetzoal III ever cross this gate, send him to hell, send other users at the normal destination ) And the portal close if the maker die, unless the maker was powerful enough but that's very rare.

One exception among portals is the great dimensional gate near Ur-Sagol. It's so perfect it's a real enigma by itself.

Felarya ground

Felarya is widely known across dimensions for its strange dimensionnal particularities. But also for its legendary treasures, its dangers, and above all : its ground. The ground of Felarya cure all known diseases by simple contact. It revitalize living beings and make them grow, though the amount depends of the species, and grant a sort of immortality ( not invincibility of course ). In short you won't age, your body won't register any damage caused by time and you won't die from illness as long as you are on Felarya. Any non-lethal wound would completely heal in just a matter of weeks or days.


This fabulous property is the reason why countless adventurers and explorers from many worlds keep coming and why many have attempted to conquer and colonize Felarya. they all failed though because of its extremely dangerous environment:

Carnivorous apes, steel hornets, flying squid, dimensional trappers, dragons, Kensha beasts, stormseekers, Tonorions, vortex tiger, knifecrows to name a few.
Most of these species werent't from this world originally wich make the felaryan fauna very varied, strange and unpredictable.

  • A good part of vegetation and plant life are deadly as well. from poisonous creepers, to a huge variety of carnivorous plants.

  • Then there are the guardians of Felarya. They are mythicals creatures with god-like powers capable of wiping entire armies in one instant. They are the main reason why Felarya hasn't been conquered yet but they appears very rarely.

The vast majority of felaryan forms of life are carnivorous and seem to have developped a liking in swallowing their preys ( mostly adventurers ) whole and alive !

Felarya's plane

An assault launched by some advanced races who would decide to nuke Felarya from space wouldn't work either. Felarya has actually no "space". The world is contained into a "self-plane". If you fired a rocket from Felarya ground to space, the rocket would exit Felarya at a point on its course and enter a regular but random dimension of the universe. The dimension which is connected to Felarya at the moment. So you can't target Felarya from space because it is just not there. The only way to do it would be to fire randomly in space and hope the shot would pass through an universe connected to Felarya at the moment and land directly on it. And assuming the universe is infinite, this would be 1 chance on well ... infinity.

Surviving in Felarya

Some humans or semi-humans manage to live very long and almost normal lives in Felarya despite all of its perils. You have to find either a quiet place or a city... big enough to defend against predators, but not so big as to draw the attention of a guardian. Ur-Sagol, the city in ruin in the map was just that: a city that grew too large and too powerful and which began to colonize its surroundings... until a guardian razed it in a single night.

Living in the jungle is extremely difficult but it's possible. The best way is to make a zone "safe". The jungle has many predators but they don't roam very much. They tend to respect each others territories. The trick is to manage to become "part" of a zone by taking care of the dangerous creatures living there either by fighting them or, in some case, befriending them and knowing the zone perfectly. And of course: staying aware of the danger at every second. Needless to say very few manage it...