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[[Image:Fishingmermaidwiki.jpg|full mermaid]]
A mermaid having a quick midnight snack...
Mermaids are half women, half fish.  They can be found in the rivers, lakes and seas all across Felarya.  They breath freely in or out of the water and can even move and land, albeit very clumsily.  They are often extraordinarily beautiful with alluring voices.  The average Felaryan mermaid tends to be around 100 feet in length, with the sea species being even longer.
Felaryan mermaids are naughty, voracious, and represent the main danger for swimmers and adventurers sailing the rivers or seas of Felarya.  They use their sweet voices and some illusion spells to charm and attract their prey.  If they are in a hurry, they can use their powerful tail to sink a ship and then devour the crew falling in water.  Some Felaryan mermaids also possess a very long and sticky tongue they can extend to catch a prey, much like a frog.
Mermaids and merfolks in general can live both in salty or fresh water. They are extroverted beings, but speak surprisingly little of their life underwater. They are said to have a few large underwater cities in [[Topazial sea]] and they regulary go there to mate or simply spend time with their kind.
[[Image:Sleepingmermaidwiki.jpg|thumb|right|650px|A sleeping mermaid.]]
[[Image:Mermaidwnxwiki.jpg|mermaid sunset]]
Mermaids, also known as Merfolk, are half fish humanoids found in rivers, lakes and seas all across Felarya.  From the waist up, they possess the torsos of a [[humans|human]] with fin-shaped ears and sometimes webbed hands, while their lower bodies consist of the fins and tail of a great fish. Depending on the region, the scales and complexion of merfolk vary in hue, from pale green, to blue, to yellow mixed with stripes of crimson, to gleaming silver. Their size varies a lot as well; the average merfolk typically measures between 6 and 8 feet in length, with females being slightly smaller than males, but gigantic specimens measuring over 200 feet in length are not at all uncommon, with the legendary Leviathan Mermaid surpassing them all...
A cute mermaid resting on a rock on sunset. Picture by wnxgreek from his [http://wnxgreek.deviantart.com// Deviantart gallery]
Perhaps the most well-known of all aquatic races, the legend of the mermaid’s extraordinary beauty is a tale that has been told across multitudes of worlds and spanning countless generations. They possess delicate features reminiscent of [[elves]], with females having a graceful, slender physique, and males, known as Mermen, often being chiseled and muscular. In Felarya, however, their stories are ones that inspire terror in the hearts of seafarers rather than thrill. They possess a voracious appetite, with a single giant mermaid being capable of devouring an entire crew of sailors all by herself.  For any adventurer brave or foolhardy enough to sail the rivers and seas of Felarya, they represent one of the biggest dangers they must face on their journey.  When whispers of a lone mermaid reach port, many savvy sailors know to give the waters a wide berth.
==Biological Traits==
In Felarya, mermaids can be generally classified into two broad categories based on whether they have adapted to life in fresh or salt water, with both species possessing a number of physiological traits that allow them to better survive in their respective environments.
=== Known Mermaids ===
*<b>River Mermaids</b> are found in most bodies of freshwater, anywhere from frigid mountain streams, to [[Rivers of Felarya|jungle rivers]], to vast open lakes. Although typically smaller and lighter than their sea-dwelling cousins, they are remarkably fast and agile, able to swim against rapid currents and leap out of the water with the greatest of ease. They are more graceful on dry land than sea mermaids, with some being even able to climb small trees to a limited degree, though they remain quite clumsy out of their element. Inexperienced adventurers often underestimate how quickly a river mermaid can move on land, believing to be safe simply from being out of arm’s reach, only to be caught off guard when the mermaid suddenly leaps out of the water and gives chase. Many river mermaids possess a long, adhesive tongue which they can shoot out and retract at great speed to catch prey like that of a frog.
*<b>Sea Mermaids</b> make their home in the vast, deep oceans of Felarya.  On average, they are larger than river mermaids, and because their habitats are found at the bottom of the sea, they can withstand greater amounts of water pressure. They are not as swift swimmers or as capable of the same feats of agility as their freshwater counterparts, but are significantly more robust and can swim much longer distances, owing it to the pressure of the undersea depths. As the oceanic environment is far more varied than the streams and rivers of Felarya, sea mermaids come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes compared to freshwater mermaids, sporting a wild array of bright colors and exotic patterns on their tails.  Some sea mermaids have the ability to change the color of their scales to better blend in with their surroundings, though this ability is not as powerful as the color and texture-changing capabilities of [[chlaenas]].
Both species of merfolk can survive in either fresh and salt water environments, but they rarely migrate to different waters.  River mermaids have a hard time adjusting to the undersea pressure, and find the wide open waters difficult and confusing to navigate.  Sea mermaids, on the other hand, are made uncomfortable by the comparatively shallow waters of lakes and rivers and the near-ubiquitous presence of banks, making the freshwater environment appear unnaturally cramped and claustrophobic. It’s not impossible for either mermaids to acclimate to a new environment, but most prefer to spare themselves the trouble if they can avoid it.
Despite being classified as an aquatic race, merfolk are in fact amphibious, and although they can survive on land, they have a clear preference for life underwater, with their bodies being specifically adapted as such. Like fish, they possess a swim-bladder, a gas-filled organ that allows the mermaid to control her buoyancy and helps her swim. The lens in their eyes changes shape when their head is either above or below water, allowing them to see with optimal vision in the element they are currently in.  Merfolk are able to breathe freely in and out of water, but how this is accomplished is a mystery that continues to puzzle humans to this day. Some mermaids have gill slits along the sides of their neck or ribcage, but most possess no visible gills at all. This has led some to theorize that mermaids have an organ that draws oxygen from the water they inhale. Others speculate that this is the result of innate magic that allows them to breathe water as though it was air.  Obviously, merfolk are very clumsy on land, moving slowly and with none of their usual grace.  For any mermaid, the feeling of dry earth and sand beneath their tail is a strange and alien sensation, one they generally find unpleasant and can never seem to get used to. A mermaid who spends a long time out of the water tends to become “landsick”, wherein she experiences dizziness and nausea not unlike motion sickness. Obviously, river mermaids are less prone to land sickness than seaborn merfolk.
== Royal Mermaids ==
Because mermaids usually sport an unassuming appearance, it’s easy to assume that they are weak and frail, but this could not be further from the truth. As much of their lives is spent swimming deep underwater, merfolk are as hale and hearty as they are graceful and beautiful. The average mermaid is oftentimes stronger and can withstand greater exertion than a human of similar size and build, making them a surprisingly powerful and hardy race.
under construction
==Behavior and Culture==
If there is one word that can aptly sum up Felaryan mermaids, it would be "extroverted". They enjoy company of any kind and are friendly toward other races like chlaenas. It is very rare to find a mermaid who is reserved and prefers to keep to herself. Because they are such a gregarious species, merfolk tend to form schools of friends, with some numbering in the hundreds of individuals.  Although they enjoy their own privacy from time to time, mermaids typically dislike long bouts of solitude, and often get depressed if they see no interaction with another person for lengthy periods.
Sea mermaid. Powerful water spell caster.   also called "tideweaver"
In a similar vein to [[fairies]], they wear their emotions on both of their sleeves and rarely keep their feelings bottled up for long. They believe that it is unhealthy to keep secrets, and that the key to living a happy, fulfilling life is to speak whatever is weighing on their chest. They will often go out of their way to cheer a friend whenever he or she is sad or lend someone a helping hand.  Because they are so honest, many joke that merfolk are the last people you should ever confide in, as they will invariably blurt out whatever important or embarrassing secret they were supposed to keep under wraps.
Appearance : whale half
For any non-marine creature, mermaid culture is incredibly esoteric. Despite their outgoing and talkative nature, they speak surprisingly little of their lives underwater, and any attempt to get some sort of answer out the them is either deflected or met with silence.  The reason why they are so secretive about this subject remains a mystery.  What little is known, however, is that they have a few large underwater cities in the [[Topazial sea|Topazial Sea]].  The most well-known of these settlements is without a doubt [[Ryzelm’oire]], a haven for all underwater creatures big or small. They also appear to have an interest in jewelry, as many like to fashion accessories and some semblance of clothing using whatever they can find in the ocean, usually seashells.
Although they rarely speak of their aquatic lives, mermaids are deeply fascinated by life on land.  The world above the waves offers myriads of exotic sights and sounds that cannot be found anywhere under the sea, and they find the landscape remarkably beautiful.  When confronted by a mermaid — assuming she isn’t hungry, of course — it isn’t uncommon to be bombarded with dozens of questions about what life on the surface is like.
== Leviathan Mermaids ==
Mermaids are generally peaceful and prefer to avoid conflict and violence if at all possible. When accosted by a predator, they usually try to flee than to engage in battle.  Should the need to fight arise, however, they primarily make use of their powerful tails to drive off their assailants.  Smaller mermaids predominantly wield spears and other long piercing polearms in battle, as slashing and blunt weapons are too cumbersome to use effectively underwater.
The legendary leviathan mermaid is very rarely seen, and some say there is no more than one dozen of them in all the sea of Felarya. Like their name imply, they are absolutely gigantic ! It's difficult to get an accurate idea of their real size through all the tales that have been weaved on them, but one can assume safely that their total lenght easily go past the 500 feet.
Despite their intimidating size, leviathan mermaids are some of the most potentially benevolent giant creatures in Felarya. They feed mostly on fishes and very rarely on [[humans]]. Moreover, they are deeply aware of their surrounding, thanks to their keen senses, and won't sink a ship unawarely. They are usually surrounded by a school of much smaller mermaids swimming in their wake. Leviathan mermaids have acquired an excellent reputation and are viewed by sailors as kind guardians and guides who will often offer their help to a lost ship and transport it to the nearest island. Sometimes they will swallow small enough crafts, and store them in a second special stomach, a scary but perfectly safe way to travel.
Probably the most famous trait of merfolk is their alluring voices.  Whether it be in verse or in everyday conversation, hearing a mermaid’s voice leaves an impression you will never forget. What most people don’t know, however, is that singing is not merely an innate talent of merfolk, but a language unique to them.
They possess a very developped sense of navigation, stemming from an intimate knowledge of underwater terrain and ocean currents. Thanks to powerful muscles in their tail, and despite their massive bulk, they are able to move at a good speed. A typical leviathan mermaid can cover around 200 miles in one day's travel, better than most sailing ships, and not terribly slower than more modern vessels.
While mermaids speak like any normal person above the water, underwater is a different story.  When underwater, mermaids "sing" their messages in a special language whose pitches and tones aren't distorted by water, allowing communication. It sounds a bit like whale song, but more modulated and of a higher pitch, although it also depends on the individual mermaid who sings it. Those songs appear to be just as rich and complex as regular language, with differences in pitch, tone, tempo, and structure helping to convey different, intricate meanings. This also means that mermaids possess extremely precise hearing, and are very skilled at controlling the sounds they produce. It's likely the main reason why mermaids are so famous for their beautiful singing voices; it's simply one of their natural methods of communication.
Though they are usually very kind, leviathan mermaids should not be mistaken as mindlessly benevolent giants. They are clever and fiercely protective of their schools, which they rarely leave unattended. Needless to say angering a leviathan mermaid is generally not very healthy ( ^^; ). Anyone foolish and suicidal enough to try, will most likely find themselves, their ship and their crew digesting within this giant mermaid's real stomach, to join her fat reserves for months to come.  
==Hunting Habits==
When it comes to catching food, mermaids have a variety of tools at their disposal. One of their favorite methods is to use their lovely voice to charm and attract prey. Magically inclined mermaids like to make use of illusions to lure and distract them. Others prefer to use good old-fashioned ambush tactics, hiding inside of reefs and algae and waiting for food to wander too close.  Obviously, the bulk of the merfolk’s diet is primarily comprised of fish and crustaceans, as they are by far the most plentiful food found in the ocean, though they routinely supplement their diet with edible seaweed and kelp.  Because [[elves]] and [[humans]] so rarely venture on the open seas, they are seen by sea mermaids as very rare and exotic treats, ones that appear only once in a blue moon, and they will rarely miss an opportunity to catch one.
The diet of river mermaids is slightly more varied than their seabound cousins, including a variety of land-dwelling animals.  When they sense prey, they hide just beneath the surface and, once their target draws near to the water’s edge, they use their long sticky tongues to snag and reel in their catch. They are particularly fond of fairies and won’t hesitate to try and eat any who hovers too close to the surface of the water, as their magical nature give fairies a zesty taste that river mermaids can’t get enough of.  Many river mermaids have a taste for fruits growing in the trees and shrubs lining nearby steam and riverbanks, with wafelberries being a favorite among them.
== River Mermaids ==
Merfolk are among the few giant sapient races to have no aversion toward eating their smaller kin. For them, they are just another seafood, and when given the choice between eating a fish and a small mermaid, giant merfolk will almost always choose the small mermaid, as they generally have a richer, more pronounced flavor. Besides giant mermaids, giant [[chlaenas]] and [[Sea Krait Nagas|sea krait nagas]] pose an enormous danger for small and juvenile merfolk. [[Harpies]] and river [[nagas]] are the top predators of freshwater mermaids, as both species adore fish for their taste, and their somewhat long bodies make them a prime choice for a filling and satisfying meal.
A smaller species of mermaids. Their average length is between 70 and 90 feet.  River mermaids have a more elastic tail and prefer the shallower fresh waters of river tributaries.  
They're fast and very agile and often catch prey stuck in the mangroves and other river vegetation.  They can easily jump out of the water and can even climb trees for a short distance. They are also a lot less clumsy on land than other merfolk and can use their powerful tail to bounce along the ground in rapid succession.
When it is time to mate, sea mermaids often return to the underwater city where they were born, while river mermaids typically head upstream in search of a partner. Courtship usually involves mermen singing a ballad to their prospective bachelorette to try and win her heart. If he is successful, she will reciprocate with a song of her own. The two then engage in a romantic underwater dance as the couple sings a mesmerizing duet. If he does not manage to impress her, she will coldly turn around and swim away, leaving the would-be solicitor embarrassed and possibly heartbroken.
River Mermaids are found in most places, anywhere from frigged mountain streams to jungle rivers, to swampy estuaries at the mouth of a river.  Their color varies greatly depending on their location.
After a few months of pregnancy, the mermaid will lay a clutch of eggs. In underwater cities, the eggs are safeguarded inside of large clam shells where they face little risk of predation.  River mermaids, on the other hand, have to be more creative.  Typically, they build a nest among plants at the bottom of a river or lake and hide their eggs insideThough they do not actively guard their eggs, they rarely stray far from their nests and regularly check up on them. As with [[nagas]], giant mermaids typically lay only a few eggs, while smaller mermaids can lay as many as a half-dozen.
Newborn merfolk are known as fry, and although they do not carry a yolk-sac like newly-hatched fish, they are too weak to feed themselves, lacking scales and working fins to properly swim, and depend on their mother’s milk for nourishment.  Once they have developed their scales and fins, the transition from a baby to a child is now complete, and are now called merlings.  At this stage, it is up to the parents to teach the child how to hunt and survive in the waters. And of course, how to sing.
== Crystal Mermaids ==
== Known Mermaids ==
This unusual species of mermaid is mainly found in underwater caverns, though they have sometimes been spotted swimming in the [[Jewel river]].  Their name comes from the fragments of pure crystal and gems that seem to be embedded in various part of their body, both fish and human halfs.  The amount of this natural decoration varies greatly from one mermaid to another.  Some are almost void of it, while some are literally covered by crystal.
Crystal mermaids are mainly known and feared for their voice.  It's sweet, though not entrancing like other mermaids, but they possess very powerful lungs that can blast a very high frequency sonic shock wave when they "sing".
This terrible attack can shatter glass for a mile in all directions, destroy the body of a ship, and even make your ears bleed if you are too close.  Prey are usually utterly stunned and disoriented after hearing it, and the mermaid has just to stretch an arm out to pick them up.  In a serious fight, the mermaid will focus her song on a single point, usually the heart or the brain of their enemy, turning their voice into a lethal and fearsome weapon.
==Mermaids Sub-species ==
*<b>[[Leviathan Mermaids]] </b>
== Estuarine Mermaids ==
*<b>[[River Mermaids]] </b>
Estuarine mermaids usually prefer to stay close to the continental shelf and in warmer waters. They are often found in lagoons and in estuaries-hence their common name.  However, estuarine mermaids will venture quite happily miles up rivers in search of prey and out of curiosity. They can also be found occasionally in deep water but usually only travel there in large numbers or in the company of a leviathan, a variety they have a close friendship with. 
Estuarine mermaids are among the smallest of the mermaid varieties on Felarya.  On average they only grow to around twenty three to thirty feet for a VERY large specimen. They are a very long-lived people and take some time to reach this size.  Most estuarine mermaids encountered are less than twenty feet long.
*<b>[[Crystal Mermaids]] </b>
They have a sleek shape, well suited to fast swimming and they can move extremely quickly through water.  They varies in coloration from region to region but are usually blue/silver with black spots like a Spotted Dolphin. When threatened however, they colors immediatly change to bright red or orange to warn potential predators of their highly toxic nature. For most creatures, eating an estuarine mermaid is fatal. Only a select few are immune to their poisonous flesh or are too large to be seriously affected. 
They are great travellers and are a well known source of news for the inhabitants of the undersea realms, keeping on good terms with most intelligent races. They are fairly friendly with [[humans]] as well.  Most of this is due to their great fondness of “bow-riding” in front of human ships-the faster the better! Some sailors have even managed to work with them to hunt fish and squid.
*<b>[[Abyssal mermaids]]</b>
It should be mentioned that large Estuarines have been known on occasion to eat people whole.  While rare-it DOES happen!
*<b>[[Estuarine Mermaids]] </b>
*<b>[[Selachis]] </b>
=== Known Estuarine Mermaids ===
*<b>[[Sand Mermaids]]</b>
*Credits goes to [[User:Wowandwas|Wowandwas]] for the design and idea of River mermaids, to Jessicaelwood for the design idea of Royal mermaids, to Zoekin for the Estuarine, and to MukatKiKaarn for the design and idea of Leviathans.
Credits to Anime Junkie and Rcs619 for precisions on the underwater language of mermaids and to Shady Knight for rewriting the whole entry.

Latest revision as of 07:41, 22 August 2018

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A sleeping mermaid.

Mermaids, also known as Merfolk, are half fish humanoids found in rivers, lakes and seas all across Felarya. From the waist up, they possess the torsos of a human with fin-shaped ears and sometimes webbed hands, while their lower bodies consist of the fins and tail of a great fish. Depending on the region, the scales and complexion of merfolk vary in hue, from pale green, to blue, to yellow mixed with stripes of crimson, to gleaming silver. Their size varies a lot as well; the average merfolk typically measures between 6 and 8 feet in length, with females being slightly smaller than males, but gigantic specimens measuring over 200 feet in length are not at all uncommon, with the legendary Leviathan Mermaid surpassing them all...

Perhaps the most well-known of all aquatic races, the legend of the mermaid’s extraordinary beauty is a tale that has been told across multitudes of worlds and spanning countless generations. They possess delicate features reminiscent of elves, with females having a graceful, slender physique, and males, known as Mermen, often being chiseled and muscular. In Felarya, however, their stories are ones that inspire terror in the hearts of seafarers rather than thrill. They possess a voracious appetite, with a single giant mermaid being capable of devouring an entire crew of sailors all by herself. For any adventurer brave or foolhardy enough to sail the rivers and seas of Felarya, they represent one of the biggest dangers they must face on their journey. When whispers of a lone mermaid reach port, many savvy sailors know to give the waters a wide berth.

Biological Traits

In Felarya, mermaids can be generally classified into two broad categories based on whether they have adapted to life in fresh or salt water, with both species possessing a number of physiological traits that allow them to better survive in their respective environments.

  • River Mermaids are found in most bodies of freshwater, anywhere from frigid mountain streams, to jungle rivers, to vast open lakes. Although typically smaller and lighter than their sea-dwelling cousins, they are remarkably fast and agile, able to swim against rapid currents and leap out of the water with the greatest of ease. They are more graceful on dry land than sea mermaids, with some being even able to climb small trees to a limited degree, though they remain quite clumsy out of their element. Inexperienced adventurers often underestimate how quickly a river mermaid can move on land, believing to be safe simply from being out of arm’s reach, only to be caught off guard when the mermaid suddenly leaps out of the water and gives chase. Many river mermaids possess a long, adhesive tongue which they can shoot out and retract at great speed to catch prey like that of a frog.
  • Sea Mermaids make their home in the vast, deep oceans of Felarya. On average, they are larger than river mermaids, and because their habitats are found at the bottom of the sea, they can withstand greater amounts of water pressure. They are not as swift swimmers or as capable of the same feats of agility as their freshwater counterparts, but are significantly more robust and can swim much longer distances, owing it to the pressure of the undersea depths. As the oceanic environment is far more varied than the streams and rivers of Felarya, sea mermaids come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes compared to freshwater mermaids, sporting a wild array of bright colors and exotic patterns on their tails. Some sea mermaids have the ability to change the color of their scales to better blend in with their surroundings, though this ability is not as powerful as the color and texture-changing capabilities of chlaenas.

Both species of merfolk can survive in either fresh and salt water environments, but they rarely migrate to different waters. River mermaids have a hard time adjusting to the undersea pressure, and find the wide open waters difficult and confusing to navigate. Sea mermaids, on the other hand, are made uncomfortable by the comparatively shallow waters of lakes and rivers and the near-ubiquitous presence of banks, making the freshwater environment appear unnaturally cramped and claustrophobic. It’s not impossible for either mermaids to acclimate to a new environment, but most prefer to spare themselves the trouble if they can avoid it.

Despite being classified as an aquatic race, merfolk are in fact amphibious, and although they can survive on land, they have a clear preference for life underwater, with their bodies being specifically adapted as such. Like fish, they possess a swim-bladder, a gas-filled organ that allows the mermaid to control her buoyancy and helps her swim. The lens in their eyes changes shape when their head is either above or below water, allowing them to see with optimal vision in the element they are currently in. Merfolk are able to breathe freely in and out of water, but how this is accomplished is a mystery that continues to puzzle humans to this day. Some mermaids have gill slits along the sides of their neck or ribcage, but most possess no visible gills at all. This has led some to theorize that mermaids have an organ that draws oxygen from the water they inhale. Others speculate that this is the result of innate magic that allows them to breathe water as though it was air. Obviously, merfolk are very clumsy on land, moving slowly and with none of their usual grace. For any mermaid, the feeling of dry earth and sand beneath their tail is a strange and alien sensation, one they generally find unpleasant and can never seem to get used to. A mermaid who spends a long time out of the water tends to become “landsick”, wherein she experiences dizziness and nausea not unlike motion sickness. Obviously, river mermaids are less prone to land sickness than seaborn merfolk.

Because mermaids usually sport an unassuming appearance, it’s easy to assume that they are weak and frail, but this could not be further from the truth. As much of their lives is spent swimming deep underwater, merfolk are as hale and hearty as they are graceful and beautiful. The average mermaid is oftentimes stronger and can withstand greater exertion than a human of similar size and build, making them a surprisingly powerful and hardy race.

Behavior and Culture

If there is one word that can aptly sum up Felaryan mermaids, it would be "extroverted". They enjoy company of any kind and are friendly toward other races like chlaenas. It is very rare to find a mermaid who is reserved and prefers to keep to herself. Because they are such a gregarious species, merfolk tend to form schools of friends, with some numbering in the hundreds of individuals. Although they enjoy their own privacy from time to time, mermaids typically dislike long bouts of solitude, and often get depressed if they see no interaction with another person for lengthy periods.

In a similar vein to fairies, they wear their emotions on both of their sleeves and rarely keep their feelings bottled up for long. They believe that it is unhealthy to keep secrets, and that the key to living a happy, fulfilling life is to speak whatever is weighing on their chest. They will often go out of their way to cheer a friend whenever he or she is sad or lend someone a helping hand. Because they are so honest, many joke that merfolk are the last people you should ever confide in, as they will invariably blurt out whatever important or embarrassing secret they were supposed to keep under wraps.

For any non-marine creature, mermaid culture is incredibly esoteric. Despite their outgoing and talkative nature, they speak surprisingly little of their lives underwater, and any attempt to get some sort of answer out the them is either deflected or met with silence. The reason why they are so secretive about this subject remains a mystery. What little is known, however, is that they have a few large underwater cities in the Topazial Sea. The most well-known of these settlements is without a doubt Ryzelm’oire, a haven for all underwater creatures big or small. They also appear to have an interest in jewelry, as many like to fashion accessories and some semblance of clothing using whatever they can find in the ocean, usually seashells.

Although they rarely speak of their aquatic lives, mermaids are deeply fascinated by life on land. The world above the waves offers myriads of exotic sights and sounds that cannot be found anywhere under the sea, and they find the landscape remarkably beautiful. When confronted by a mermaid — assuming she isn’t hungry, of course — it isn’t uncommon to be bombarded with dozens of questions about what life on the surface is like.

Mermaids are generally peaceful and prefer to avoid conflict and violence if at all possible. When accosted by a predator, they usually try to flee than to engage in battle. Should the need to fight arise, however, they primarily make use of their powerful tails to drive off their assailants. Smaller mermaids predominantly wield spears and other long piercing polearms in battle, as slashing and blunt weapons are too cumbersome to use effectively underwater.


Probably the most famous trait of merfolk is their alluring voices. Whether it be in verse or in everyday conversation, hearing a mermaid’s voice leaves an impression you will never forget. What most people don’t know, however, is that singing is not merely an innate talent of merfolk, but a language unique to them.

While mermaids speak like any normal person above the water, underwater is a different story. When underwater, mermaids "sing" their messages in a special language whose pitches and tones aren't distorted by water, allowing communication. It sounds a bit like whale song, but more modulated and of a higher pitch, although it also depends on the individual mermaid who sings it. Those songs appear to be just as rich and complex as regular language, with differences in pitch, tone, tempo, and structure helping to convey different, intricate meanings. This also means that mermaids possess extremely precise hearing, and are very skilled at controlling the sounds they produce. It's likely the main reason why mermaids are so famous for their beautiful singing voices; it's simply one of their natural methods of communication.

Hunting Habits

When it comes to catching food, mermaids have a variety of tools at their disposal. One of their favorite methods is to use their lovely voice to charm and attract prey. Magically inclined mermaids like to make use of illusions to lure and distract them. Others prefer to use good old-fashioned ambush tactics, hiding inside of reefs and algae and waiting for food to wander too close. Obviously, the bulk of the merfolk’s diet is primarily comprised of fish and crustaceans, as they are by far the most plentiful food found in the ocean, though they routinely supplement their diet with edible seaweed and kelp. Because elves and humans so rarely venture on the open seas, they are seen by sea mermaids as very rare and exotic treats, ones that appear only once in a blue moon, and they will rarely miss an opportunity to catch one.

The diet of river mermaids is slightly more varied than their seabound cousins, including a variety of land-dwelling animals. When they sense prey, they hide just beneath the surface and, once their target draws near to the water’s edge, they use their long sticky tongues to snag and reel in their catch. They are particularly fond of fairies and won’t hesitate to try and eat any who hovers too close to the surface of the water, as their magical nature give fairies a zesty taste that river mermaids can’t get enough of. Many river mermaids have a taste for fruits growing in the trees and shrubs lining nearby steam and riverbanks, with wafelberries being a favorite among them.

Merfolk are among the few giant sapient races to have no aversion toward eating their smaller kin. For them, they are just another seafood, and when given the choice between eating a fish and a small mermaid, giant merfolk will almost always choose the small mermaid, as they generally have a richer, more pronounced flavor. Besides giant mermaids, giant chlaenas and sea krait nagas pose an enormous danger for small and juvenile merfolk. Harpies and river nagas are the top predators of freshwater mermaids, as both species adore fish for their taste, and their somewhat long bodies make them a prime choice for a filling and satisfying meal.


When it is time to mate, sea mermaids often return to the underwater city where they were born, while river mermaids typically head upstream in search of a partner. Courtship usually involves mermen singing a ballad to their prospective bachelorette to try and win her heart. If he is successful, she will reciprocate with a song of her own. The two then engage in a romantic underwater dance as the couple sings a mesmerizing duet. If he does not manage to impress her, she will coldly turn around and swim away, leaving the would-be solicitor embarrassed and possibly heartbroken.

After a few months of pregnancy, the mermaid will lay a clutch of eggs. In underwater cities, the eggs are safeguarded inside of large clam shells where they face little risk of predation. River mermaids, on the other hand, have to be more creative. Typically, they build a nest among plants at the bottom of a river or lake and hide their eggs inside. Though they do not actively guard their eggs, they rarely stray far from their nests and regularly check up on them. As with nagas, giant mermaids typically lay only a few eggs, while smaller mermaids can lay as many as a half-dozen.

Newborn merfolk are known as fry, and although they do not carry a yolk-sac like newly-hatched fish, they are too weak to feed themselves, lacking scales and working fins to properly swim, and depend on their mother’s milk for nourishment. Once they have developed their scales and fins, the transition from a baby to a child is now complete, and are now called merlings. At this stage, it is up to the parents to teach the child how to hunt and survive in the waters. And of course, how to sing.

Known Mermaids

Mermaids Sub-species

Credits to Anime Junkie and Rcs619 for precisions on the underwater language of mermaids and to Shady Knight for rewriting the whole entry.