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Threat Ranking:
  • Minimal: A totally harmless being such as a mouse or a rabbit.
  • Very Low: Mostly herbivores but who can still strike back if attacked.
  • Low: Various animals such as felines.
  • Moderate: A moderately dangerous Felaryan creature can still be very dangerous in another world. For example a great white shark would rank between Low and Moderate here...
  • Medium: A predatory, dangerous and often man-eating creature.
  • High: A great predator. Crisis is in this category.
  • Very High: A top predator. This creature could take on a small army.
  • Critical: In Felaryan scales, very few creatures reach this rank.
  • Extreme: A guardian or a mythical creature. Only a god can hope to survive a confrontation with one of these.

Note that threat ranking is based on the threat that the creature represents for a normal human. It's not necessarily linked to the strength of the creature. For example the dryad Cypress would rank very low because she is very friendly to humans, yet she is a powerful being.