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The Felayan fauna is composed of many species from many worlds which makes it very varied and unpredictable. See also carnivorous plants, plant life. Because the page is reaching the maximum size, here is the first part of the Fauna, and third : Fauna3

Note about the threat ranking:

It's based on the threat that the creature represents for a normal human. It's not necessarily linked to the strength of the creature. For example the dryad Cypress would rank very low because she is very friendly to humans, yet she is a powerful being.


  • Minimal: A totally harmless being such as a mouse or a rabbit.
  • Very Low: Mostly herbivores but who can still strike back if attacked.
  • Low: Various animals such as felines.
  • Moderate: A moderately dangerous Felaryan creature can still be very dangerous in another world. For example a great white shark would rank between Low and Moderate here...
  • Medium: A predatory, dangerous and often man-eating creature.
  • High: A great predator. Crisis is in this category.
  • Very High: A top predator. This creature could take on a small army.
  • Critical: In Felaryan scales, very few creatures reach this rank.
  • Extreme: A guardian or a mythical creature. Only a god can hope to survive a confrontation with one of these.

Mikadis temple

Mirror Lurker

Size: Varies
Threat: Medium

This term describes a wide variety of mirror denizens. They are relatively small creatures, looking rather harmless and seem to be made from a mix of parts from various animals. They roam the vast halls of the temple, entering and exiting mirrors at random. If you spot a strange creature that looks a small blue mouse with the beak of a toucan and the tail of a scorpion, then you've probably spotted a mirror lurker. They have limited intelligence and poor fighting abilities, but they make up for that with their great numbers and their strong, instinctive magic based on illusions of all sorts. Their method of hunting is to lure people into walking into a mirror. Once that has happened, all nearby lurkers chase hungrily after the unfortunate victim, as their power and size increase tenfold in the mirrors sub-universe.


Size: Special
Threat: Medium

A very strange creature only found in "distorted" dimensions, like those found in the mirrors of the temple. Crysaltinos resemble a bird with bizarre proportions: a very large, square shaped head with a wide, reptilian looking beak, and a smaller, square shaped body. They are of various colors but each individual is always one color, except for the insides of their mouth. The first thing you notice about a crysaltinos is that it's utterly... flat. No matter what angle you choose to look at them, they just seem to not have any thickness, looking a bit like a moving picture. This impression is reinforced by the fact that when they move their body remains almost motionless, save for their head which rotates a lot, sometimes rolling in complete circles.

Just staring at a crysaltinos is sufficient to give yourself a severe headache, but touching one is far worse. If something touches a crysaltions or is touched by one, it becomes flat, just like the crysaltions, for the duration of the contact. For creatures used to live in three dimensions, such a change is very traumatic, inducing disorientation and nausea at the very least, and giving the crysaltinos plenty of time to swallow it's prey.

While their touch is devastating, crysaltions cannot remain outside of a mirror for very long or they will die, thankfully limiting their hunting grounds.

Mirror Maw

Threat: Under Construction

In deeper Felarya

Dimensional Dragon

Size: 90-110 feet
Threat: Moderate

Dimensional dragons are natives of Sandrag. They are able to navigate through dimensions, and some of them have warped themselves to Felarya to set up residence in the deeper regions. They're quite intelligent and attack anything that they think can put up a decent fight and is edible. They are rather friendly to humans though, mainly because humans are present on their homeworld as well, but that doesn't mean that they won't eat one every now and then.

Dimensional dragons have a spiked back, sharp claws, razor sharp teeth and strong tails. Males have dark blue scales while females have a lighter shade of blue on their scales, and have smaller spikes on their back. Although they rarely use it they do have some magical ability, and most of them have some magical resistances. Unlike most dragons they do not have wings, but with the help of levitation magic some of them can fly anyway.

They can breath a white flame that is imbued with magical powers of their own choosing. For example, they might enhance their flame with the ability to damage the body and soul of their foe, an attack which sometimes temporarily paralyzes the victim.

These great beasts are tough opponents and very hard to kill.

Dimensional Trapper

Size: Unknown
Threat: Low

A dimensional trapper is best thought of as a more advanced angler fish. It opens a real portal to a paradise world and lurks in the dimensions between Felarya and that world, eating anyone foolish enough to step through. Dimensional Trappers are dangerous to the unwary and uneducated because the creature isn't physically here, and the portal it opens isn't out of place on a dimensionally unstable world like Felarya. However it poses less of a danger to the careful and the wise because they are not very clever, and always open a portal to a part of the same, abnormally fantastic, world, so fantastic that it looks out of place even in the most beautiful parts of Felarya.

Vortex Tiger

Size: 7 feet but varies a lot.
Threat: Medium

A large white tiger with a curious pattern on their fur and antenna on their head. Their method of attack is unique as it is dangerous: When attacking they become a tiger shaped black hole, powerfully sucking everything nearby into them, and then becoming normal again. When in this form they are very dangerous. Not only do they suck everything up, but they can still move, and change their size! When in black hole form they are not solid, and shooting them is useless.

Flying Squid

Size: 400-500 feet
Threat: High

They are rare, immense squid-like creatures that slowly float in the air near the tops of the trees capturing and eating any creatures beneath them with their long tentacles.


Threat: Under Construction


Size: Varies
Threat: High

Eisners are gigantic blobs of organic mass that slowly and mindlessly ooze through the forest. They can burn things such as rocks and trees simply by touching them, and they use this ability to digest their prey when they envelop them. The larger eisners are big enough that they have few problems eating large creatures such as nagas.

They have a limited intelligence, and can alter their shape, forming tentacles and pseudopods. Eisners are slow, but they relentlessly pursue food for as long as they can sense it. Moreover, their globular eyes have dangerous hypnotic powers that render their prey unable to move, making eisners terrible and fearsome monsters. These eyes are their weak point, but they are protected by a thin layer of slime that is very hard to pierce, though acid eats right though it.

When an eisner has consumed enough prey it will divide itself in to several smaller creatures. Fortunately the flame of dimensional dragons is lethal to them or they would quickly overrun this zone.

In Misty glade


Size: 25 feet on their long legs.
Threat: Moderate

A sort of giant ostrich with reptilian features and a semi transparent body. Their legs are very long which makes them very fast and agile runners. Ostraliks are voracious, and will eat anything that seem vaguely edible. Their maw, throat and stomach are amazingly stretchable and can accommodate very large prey. If the prey looks like an easy target, the Ostralik will try to snatch it and swallow right away. Tougher looking prey first get stunned and knocked down by the Ostralik's powerful legs.

Blue Collared Cockatrice

Size: 5 feet
Threat: Low

A strange creature with the body of a bird, the crest of a rooster and the tail of a lizard that feeds purely on magic. To a normal human they are harmless, but cockatrices are the bane of any spellcaster. Once they have sensed a creature possessing magic, they will chase it and drain the mana out of it. While chasing it they also emit a very annoying grating sound that can disrupt even the most focused of spellcasters, making it very hard to cast any spell.

Blue collared cockatrices are an important threat to any purely magical creatures such as elementals.

In frost peak

Snow Tiger

Size: 7 - 15 feet tall when on their hind legs
Threat: Moderate

White fur covered tigers found in the frigid Felaryan mountains. These intelligent beasts generally live in clans of 3-7, and are very loyal to one another, but are equally distrusting of other clans. The intrepid human explorer has much to fear from them as they are not easily tricked and posses superior strength.

Ice Kensha Beast

Threat: Under Construction

Ice Wyrm

Threat: Under Construction

in Randomdude's story


Size: 1 foot
Threat: Minimal

Small, white, furry ,and the cutest things on or off the mountain, although somewhat cranky. They are intelligent and devious little creatures, about the size of a large house cat and resembling an earth ferret in some ways. Needless to say they are at the bottom of the food chain and depend on cunning to survive. They live in small crevices in the rock too small for other creatures. It's worth noting that they love to rob travelers of interesting things such as tiny round shiny objects.

In Miragia forest

Mirror Bird

Size: 25 inches
Threat: Very Low

A bird whose feathers shimmer and can create replicas of itself when it feel menaced. The illusions looks incredibly real and mimic the exact movements of the bird. It can create up to ten replicas, depending on the specimen. Mirror birds can also cast minor magic missiles. The small creature is cranky and rancorous. If you annoy it, it will chase you out of its territory while blasting at you.

Duplicator Gecko

Size: 30 feet
Threat: Moderate

These strange reptilian creatures reside between layers of reality most of the time, rendering them almost invisible to normal eyes and invincible to physical attack.

Their name comes from a strange ability they have: when they locate a prey they surround it with an array of duplicates, in order to confuse it. The doubles looks incredibly real: they breath, their muscles moves, their eyes shine and you can touch them. They have no intelligence of any sort though, and they can't speak. Still, surrounding a prey with clones of itself usually confuses it long enough for the gecko to come from behind, phase in, gulp down its unaware victim and phase back out to quietly digest it.


Size: 50 feet
Threat: Medium

A sort of giant tortoise with a shell made of pure diamond. These dangerous creatures can only be found in Miragia forest. They are slow but almost un-killable due to their shell which is not only unbreakable but also reflects any magic back towards the caster. Still, in spite of the difficultly in killing them they are actively hunted, being often seen as walking treasures. Slaying a Torkudas would indeed grant an adventurer a fortune large enough to make even most kings jealous, but very few have ever achieved this feat, and many hunters became hunted instead. Torkudas are clever, voracious and good spell casters. They are especially feared for their very effective sleep spells. Many adventurers wake up after the fight only to find themselves slowly digesting in the large stomach of the beast.

Planar Mole

Size: Special
Threat: High

These bizarre creatures literally dig tunnels through dimensions, from a plane to another. They dig mostly through unstable dimensions where it is easier and Miragia forest on Felarya happens to be quite easy to dig through. Planar moles are extremely dangerous: They advance by mindlessly "eating" reality so this means that if something is in their way, it will most likely be eaten as well. What makes them especially terrifying is that, rather than eating you directly the mole eats the chunk of reality where you are, meaning that your size matters little. If a giant naga happened to be there at that moment, she would be swallowed as well!

Thus the naga Katrika is especially suited to hunting in Miragia forest, because she can sense disturbances through dimensions and can immediately detect if a mole or something dangerous is approaching.

In Mist ocean

Stone Snail

Size: 45 feet
Threat: Medium

The name of this enormous snail comes from its shell, which is indeed literally as hard as a rock and equally heavy as well. This weight keeps allows the snail to endure the formidable winds of the Mist Ocean. Like all other snails, stone snails extremely slow and don't move very much. They are omnivores, lazily grazing on the nearby vegetation and capturing prey that fall within the range of their long and thin, yet surprisingly strong sticky tongue. Once their prey is stuck on their tongue, it is pulled back into the large fleshy and extendable mouth of the snail, and promptly swallowed. The snail then retracts into its shell to quietly digest its meal.

In Bulvon wood


Size: 12 feet
Threat: Very Low

A strange species of arachnid that lives in large groups in dark places such as crevasses, caves, or the place called "the Bach" in Bulvon wood. Black in color and about twelve feet long, they resemble a scorpion that has been flattened by a heavy object and ironed out flat.

With their multiple scuttling legs and twitching palps they look absolutely creepy, and most nagas would just send them flying with their tail, repulsed by their alien appearance, and thus they would miss out on the groomer's "services". Groomers survive by eating the parasites off various creatures, from the fleas of a neko, to the dirt and fragments of dead skin off of a large naga.

They are almost totally harmless, even for humans, in spite of their size. If a human goes to a groomers lair with no hostile intent, a groomer will soon appears and give him the same treatment as other creatures, removing pests and parasites like head lice. While coming into contact with a groomer is rather scary, adventurers who have tried it have admitted afterwards that the insect knows it's job very well and that the session was definitely refreshing.

Groomers are quite intelligent and possess a sort of limited telepathic ability. They can’t talk out loud so they communicate mind to mind with each other, and those lucky individuals who are also telepathic. They taste incredibly foul, which must have helped them get established.

In Akaptor desert

Sand Walker

Size: 16 feet tall
Threat: Very Low

A species of large running birds living in the desert. Their very long legs are immune to the time effect of the sand, making them an ideal mount to cross Akaptor desert. They are fast and very agile and also voracious, feeding mostly on small live animals they catch with their very long beaks, and they can become quite unpredictable when hungry. They are invaluable in some of the most treacherous places of the desert, such as the sea of sinking sand. Sand walkers are one of the few creatures who can run on its unstable surface without being engulfed.

Sand walkers are also very intelligent animals, and the Akaptor nomads say that they are actually as smart as humans are! Sand walkers only give rides through the desert to those that they like. If forced, they'll either try to throw the rider off, or take them to a cactus dryad or other desert predator.

Time Shark

Size: 40 feet long
Threat: High

This creature resembles a large black and white manta ray more than it resembles an actual shark, though their shark like fin on their tops is the first part of them to appear when they emerge from the sand, making them seem to be a shark at first glance. Gliding quickly and dexterously, they use three ventral whip-like tentacles to strike at their targets and bring prey to their large gaping mouths. They are extremely dangerous and master a powerful time-based magic with an ease that puzzles many mages.

Even before the fight starts, a group of adventurers would find themselves slowed down while the time shark hastes itself. Then the creature would manipulate time, either going back a few seconds into the past if things started to go poorly for them, or separating each adventurer into a different string of time in order to take them one by one, or even stopping time entirely for the most powerful specimens.

Needless to say an encounter with a time shark is almost always fatal... Only the Akaptor nomads know how to efficiently fight a time shark and even they consider an attack a very serious matter. Fortunately, in Felarya time sharks can only be found in the Akaptor desert, and even there they rarely appear so long as you don't attract attention to yourself, say by touching the sand.

Solar Serpent

Threat: Under Construction

Beast of the past

Threat: Under Construction

In Topazial sea


Size: 4 feet tall, 20 feet in length
Threat: Moderate

A sort of electric orange colored crab with massive claws and several metal spikes on their heels. They scour the beach and seas of Felarya, going about their business. They possess a wide gaping mouth which allows them to engulf massive amounts of food. They hunt various creatures, from barnacles to small mermaids, and they swallow their food whole if they get the chance.

What makes arthronodes particularly dangerous is their electrical powers. They can use it to shock and stunt their prey just long enough for them to swallow it down. They can also use it defensively, and the amount of electricity delivered this way is much greater. Sometimes they'll electrify their feet in order to repulse the naturally occurring ions in the soil, slightly levitating their feet and allowing them to "skate" across the land.

During mating season, which usually occurs on a thundery night, male arthronodes create magnificent lightning spectacles in both the sky and the sea, wooing female crabs. During violent thunder storms, their metal spikes conduct electricity and gives them great boosts of power. During these boosts all of the crabs abilities are amplified, from their strength and stamina to their electric power and, of course, their appetite. Often when boosted they will go on feeding frenzies, devouring any creature that moves. It is best to avoid the beaches of Felarya during these times.

Gulper Eel

Threat: Under Construction


Threat: Under Construction

Flying Whale

Threat: Under Construction

Bejeweled Serpent

Threat: Under Construction

Living Whirlpool

Threat: Under Construction

In Chidokai forest

Jaykay Bird

Size: 2 feet
Threat: Minimal

A sort of parrot native to the Chidokai forest. Males are brightly colored, usually having alternating patterns of blue, green, and red, while females tend to be uniform forest green. Their diet consists of citrus fruits such as mangos, nuts, and berries. Their beaks are made of densely packed calcium-rich bone, and they are often hunted by Felaryan natives for their beaks as they make very useful tools.

Jaykays possess two antenna that allow them to hear any sounds in their vicinity. They then tend to repeat them, including any conversation they heard sometimes spoiling an ambush or annoying a predator to no end. Moreover, their antenna are able to pick up radio transmissions as well, with the jaykay retransmitting it with remarkable accuracy. They aren't complex creatures though, so they just use this ability to warn of danger, and in mating calls to see who can transmit the most attractive signal. This is why sometimes you can suddenly hear music in the middle of the jungle!

Dryads don't like them much as the birds sometimes intrude in to their private network and prevent them from sleeping with all the noises they make.

Escalnai Slug

Size: 1 to 4 feet
Threat: Minimal

Escalnai slugs can be found wandering next to rivers of Felarya and in other places where there is a lot of humidity. Basically harmless herbivores, these slugs are known to release a special secretion from every pore of their bodies as soon as they sense danger. When it comes in contact with the air this secretion instantly becomes hard, protecting the slug. In this state they don't look any different from a stone, so predators don't notice them and pass by. Once the area is safe again, the slug breaks it's thick stone-like shell and go back to searching for food.

Escalnai slugs taste very good when grilled.


Size: 3-9 feet
Threat: Minimal to Low

The Muris is a giant rat-like creature found in Chidokai forest. They look like normal rats, save for their greenish fur that allows them to better blend into the foliage, and their unusually long sharp claws for easily climbing trees. They are most commonly found running around in the canopy, hunting birds and other small prey. They are very plentiful and provide a quick snack for most predators in the area, though said predators don't find them very tasty and sometimes have trouble swallowing them due to their over-sized claws. Muris are almost harmless to humans, although they can become aggressive when hungry and sometimes gather in to large packs.

Because the page is reaching the maximum size, here is the first part of the fauna : Fauna, and third : Fauna3

  • Credits to Militant prey, Gregole, Zoekin, Pendragon, Moonlight pendent, Servomoore, and Nksrocks for various ideas for the fauna.