
From Felarya
Revision as of 03:19, 29 November 2007 by Karbo (Talk | contribs)

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"...was sealed by a guardian dozen of centuries ago...", is there a particular timeframe you are thinking of? If the time is know to a fairly accurate degree it might be better (in my opinion) to say "...was sealed by a guardian a millenia and a quarter ago...", or "...was sealed by a guardian 1,200 years ago..." or "...was sealed by a guardian a dozen centuries ago...". Otherwise, if the time it was sealed was some indefinite time ago it would probably be better to say "...was sealed by a guardian millenia ago...".
"...Déméchrelle lies in the middle of a fantastic treasure." This is kind of odd wording, unless she is actually inside one large "treasure", like a golden boat or something.
--Oldman40k2003 14:56, 28 November 2007 (PST)

Mhh for the time frame I think the last would work better then. It is supposed to be very vague.

As for lying in the middle of the treasure.. darn I see what you mean now XD