
From Felarya
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Size : vary
Turquoise hair
Purple eyes
Butterfly like wings
Posess antlers in place of antennaes

A voracious, mischievous and naughty fairy.

Melany is very good at making traps and is known for some rather funny methods of hunting. She is very playful and enjoys watching people try to get out her traps as well as seeing her victims cluelessly walk into her plans. She loves games and testing how smart or clever her victims are. She will often tease them with riddles that can save them, but few ever figure out what she is talking about. She can be rather childish and competitive at times and hates being told that she is wrong even when she is.

Her fast complex thinking, love of games and competitive spirit make her one of Menyssan's favorite chess playmates. While her mischievous and naughty personality makes her a close friend of Vivian. They are know to get into erotic competitions with each other while pulling others in willingly or not.