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== Bulvon wood ==
*credits to Servomoore for ideas to develop the giant tree.a.
Danger: <font color = #ff9500>'''normal'''</font>
Inhabitants: [[fauna2#Escalnai Slug|escalnai slugs]], [[Slug Girls]], [[dridders]], [[dridders#Trapdoor Dridders|trapdoor dridders]], [[dridders#Bolas Dridders|bolas dridders]], [[minor races#Chilotaurs|chilotaurs]], [[fauna#Arboreal Frog|arboreal frogs]], [[Fauna3#Ooze|oozes]], [[Fauna2#Giant Nematode|giant nematodes]], [[Fauna2#Giant Flatworm|giant flatworms]], [[fairies#Dusk Nymphs|dusk nymphs]]
Located to the northwest of the Giant tree and east of the [[forest of whispers#Lataran temple|Lataran temple]], Bulvon wood is an area of humid rainforest with gigantic trees, green with moss and many unusual types of fungi and molds.  The thick foliage gives an emerald tint to the sunlight and small creeks and streams are common here.
Travelers are often surprised to note the many slimy trails that wind their way through the trees.  These are mainly left behind by the elephant-sized yellow snails that can be found here.  While these behemoths are utterly harmless, these trails are better off avoided, as they might belong to a [[Slug Girls|Slug girl]] instead, in which case you are in big trouble if you step on it.  The whole place is rather wet underfoot, with moldy soil and stagnant bogs.
The Bulvon wood is home to many species of amphibians.  Various species of frogs, toads and salamanders are common here, including many giant varieties, and there are insects and arachnids here in abundance.  The forest is filled with their chips and croaks, and other, less pleasant sounds.  Larger predators include mostly slug girls, [[minor races#Chilotaurs|chilotaurs]], and many original (but deadly) species of dridders, such as the [[dridders#Trapdoors Dridders|trapdoor]] and [[dridders#Bolas Dridders|bolas dridders]].
== The Bach ==
Danger: <font color = #ff9500>'''normal'''</font>
Inhabitants: [[fauna2#Escalnai Slug|escalnai slugs]], [[Slug Girls]], [[dridders]], [[minor races#Chilotaurs|chilotaurs]], [[Fauna2#Groomer|groomers]]
The feature the Bulvon wood is most famous for is the massive grey stone outcrop know to the locals as "The Bach".  Standing around 1,000 feet high, it forms a huge stony spear stabbing into the surrounding jungle.  It's near vertical grey stone walls have many deep cracks and fissures in them, providing a safe refuge for many creatures.  The base of the Bach has been undermined by the wind and burrowed into by a variety of races.
By common consent the Bach is neutral ground and it's not uncommon to find races that would be enemies anywhere else sheltering together.  Most are outcasts from their own societies.  The Bach is its own little community with many species living here.  Notably, the Bach is the home of a dangerous [[Slug Girls|Slug girl]] called [[Velvet]].  Reports tell of some tunnels leading deep under the base of "The Bach", but no human has ever explored them fully and lived to tell about it.
The crest of the Bach is overgrown with a forest that has been isolated for thousands of years, and has its own strange forms of life.  Very little is known about it.  Some [[Chordoni waterfalls|Chordoni]] [[harpies]] sometimes roost there on their way to visit their [[nagas|naga]] friend [[Vivian]], but they never stay long.  They say the place makes them feel "uncomfortable".  Considering how formidable a full grown harpy can be, that's cause for concern!
*credits to Servomoore for ideas to develop the giant tree, and to Zoekin for the Bulvon wood and bach idea.

Revision as of 16:30, 28 November 2009

the giant tree

Danger: Normal
Sub zones: Bulvon wood, the Bach
Inhabitants : nagas, kensha beasts, noghdongs, podmaws, arboreal frogs, starkala bugs, shadow fishes, abyssal slugs, canopy pantaurs

The giant tree deserves its name, for it is truly gigantic. It's a single tree larger than many forests, so large that you could build towns and castles on its thickest branches. Because of its dense foliage and immense size there is a zone of perpetual night around the base of the tree. This has resulted in the evolution of strange and interesting flora that glow, much like what you can find in evernight forest, and some really strange creatures dwelling here. This area is dangerous. One of the most notable dangers is that the tree is the home of two giant nagas: Crisis and Anna. The former is a well known predator, dreaded for her great appetite for humans; the latter, a well known grouch.

  • credits to Servomoore for ideas to develop the giant tree.a.