Jungle Bowl

From Felarya
Revision as of 10:46, 7 June 2007 by Wowandwas (Talk | contribs) (Added a link to the credits for easy reference.)

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Danger : Very low
Population : humans, dryad ( Cypress )

A vanishing land that didn't... vanish.

The once proud and majestic mountain that stood here switched place with a piece of land from another world : a massive granite bowl filled with the gentle plains of a flourishing farmland. It has over time been absorbed into Felarya. However it remains oddly separate due to its placement between the mountains and the great swamps ( much more to the east of the map ). It's home to many humans and notably a dryad named Cypress.

The place is very serene and peaceful. It's one of the rare safe heaven in Felarya where you run no risk of being eaten.

  • Credits goes to Wowandwas for all the design and the idea.